
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This Month's Jackass Politician Award Winner Inside! The votes are in!

This Month's Jackass Politician Award Winner!

By: Greg Peterson June 7, 2010 at 10:08pm

And the Jackass Politician Award goes to....(drumroll, please) Republican Senator John McCain! I'm sending a complimentary, lifelike jackass in the mail to John McCain's office...because that's what he is. Noble service in Vietnam doesn't entitle you to a forty year career in the Senate. Phil Hare (Democrat Congressman) was last month's winner, for stating that he "doesn't care about The Constitution on this one [health care bill]" even tho he swore and oath to uphold and defend it.

Unlike last month, the vote was overwhelming. McCain received more votes than the other 2 nominees combined. And you nailed him for his bogus, election year conversions. As recently as 2 years ago, he was the loudest proponent of amnesty for illegals and the loudest opponent of sending troops to secure the border. Now, he's flipped on BOTH!

Like Arlen Specter, McCain's precious re-election is now in terrible jeopardy. Despite his seniority, he's polling under 50% in a primary against former Congressman Hayworth, who doesn't have the money, the machine and has never run for statewide office.


If you like the Jackass Politician Award, then keep voting when the nominees come to you each month. If you agree with us in this group that we need to raise awareness to get our Amendment, then make sure you invite all your friends to join us.

We set a goal to grow to 2,500 members by Memorial Day, and we blew it away in a matter of minutes--because readers like you took a minute and made a difference. The articles, posts, cartoons, pictures, and comraderie are now reaching thousands of people and making a difference.

None of us on the sidebar of this brand new group are politicians. We don't get paid to grow this cause. We don't allow punks to sell or spam. We're just patriotic Americans like you that have decided NOW is the time to take our country back.

Kind Regards,
Greg Peterson

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