
Monday, August 9, 2010

QURAN allows lying to non-believers, it is encouraged to "win people over"! Called TAQIYYA



Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. In the cause of Islamic expansionism Muslims falsely inform non-Muslims that: Islam is a "religion of peace", the Quran mandates pluralism of religions, "jihad" is only about an "inner spiritual struggle", unprovoked violence against non-Muslims is un-Islamic, immigrant Muslims wish to fully integrate into Western countries by adopting democratic principles instead of Sharia Law, Muhammad was a man of peace, etc. None of these things are true. Taqiyya is not about truth. Taqiyya is about deception -- lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to "appear integrated" while actually living as a state-within-a-state... UNTIL THEY TAKE OVER via violent jihad. Europe, be warned!


beware of islamic infiltration:

2.Edgar Davidson said

June 28, 2010 at 12:19 am

The extent to which Facebook and the whole main stream media will now go to hide criticism of Islamism is reaching new levels of dhimmitude. It has even reached such newspapers as the Jewish Chronicle which has taken it upon itself to censor and/or downplay incidents of violence by Islamists. Have a look here:

and even the Sun has started getting in on the act:

The many faces of freedom of speech on Facebook


Posted by Sitemaster on June 27, 2010

Recently freedom of speech has been a victim of an extraordinarily well-organized attack by the left wing and islam. The latest example is the increasing islamisation of Facebook. This social media that attracts millions of people every day has lately developed itself into a platform for the spreading of left-wing propaganda and especially Islamic propaganda.

The recent deactivation of personal profiles that have not at all violated any of Facebook´s rules are clear examples of the total submission to islam now undertaken by Facebook.

While anti-semitic profiles are flourishing on Facebook one islam-critical profile after the other is being closed down without being given any reason for it. Facebook literally bulges with hate-groups that call for killings on Jews, Danes (and other citizens of western countries), groups that indeed call for discrimination (believers vs. non-believers). That is actually racism, by the way, according to the new definition on the term racism. Groups that hate Denmark and who urge to the destruction of democracy, and are literally boiling with threats to Danes, and that discriminate women. All this is actually violating Facebook´s rules.

But in the name of political correctness Facebook is not reacting to it. – or is it perhaps in the name of freedom of speech? Because while all these groups are successfully flourishing on Facebook, and while all these personal profiles threaten others and violate all sorts of Facebook rules on a daily basis, one after another the islam critical groups are being shut down by Facebook, one after another the islam critical personal profiles are being deactivated by Facebook – without any reason.

Now one might ask if criticizing islam is not violating Facebook rules. Perhaps it is.

It depends on how islam is defined. It certainly depends on how this criticism is being conducted. And indeed it depends on whether or not we are speaking about hate-groups and racism or about factual well-documented critics. In the following I shall account for how Facebook is becoming Islamized in a fully legal and democratic way.

With the definition of islam as a starting-point there is clearly a difference between how Facebook defines islam and how islam critics define it. If we assume that Facebook defines islam as a religion, we must establish that Facebook is complying with it´s own rules since criticizing religion is not allowed according to the UN, and accordingly also on Facebook. Then there is every reason to be on guard towards critics on this religion. At this point it seems only natural to ask if this applies to all religions. The answer must be a clear no. This only applies to islam. It is on the other hand fully legal to call for killings on Jews and other infidels, to discriminate infidels and women as well as to urge to the destruction of democracy with every mean at your disposal – all with the single aim to establish the khalifate and sharia law. At least if you consider Facebook´s handling of the situation the trendsetting practice. So, islam critics are per Facebook definition racists and will accordingly be deactivated without further discussion. Recently a well-known islam critical personal profile was deactivated without notice despite the fact that no Facebook rules were violated at all.

This profile was Anders Gravers´. It was simply reported by moslems and left- wing activists for being offending. Ok, so it is offending to criticize islam. But according to the Danish Constitution, §77 (freedom of speech), it is not illegal. And this profile has not violated §77. On the contrary, freedom of speech has been used responsibly and with consideration. This profile has at any given time openly declared itself an opponent to any totalitarian regime and an eager opponent to racism. It has allowed itself to consider islam a totalitarian regime where equality and freedom is non-existent. No law prohibits this consideration, and it is therefore outermost thought-provoking and alarming that Facebook obviously sees itself above the Danish Constitution!

With the starting-point being how the islam criticism has been conducted by Anders Gravers, there has always been a sober tone, an anti-racist attitude and a factual approach to the discussion. Contrary to what the left wing and certain moslems on Facebook wish to display, there is in fact no valid reason for the deactivation of this specific profile, since all Facebook´s rules have been complied with completely. The reason for the many reports must probably be found in the fact that this very profile actually displayed the truth about islam in a – to islam – threatening way. And so Facebook choose to submit to the many moslem reports and submits completely to the Islamic demands.

Now with the starting-poing being the rules about hate-groups and racism, we must simply establish that none of these have applied to the deactivated profile. Many tries have been made to make Anders Gravers come with statements beyond reasonable limits or even illegal statements. But no one has succeeded in making him state anything racist or in other ways hatefully. On the contrary, he has always emphasized that racism will not be tolerated, derogatory words or nicknames are unacceptable and that he is not criticizing moslems as such but rather the totalitarian ideology islam. Nevertheless the left wing activists and islam have succeded in creating the impression that Anders Gravers has violated Facebooks rules with the result being that his profile was deavtivated by Facebook.

What is it really that is happening here? Why is it so bad that a person has been kicked out from Facebook? Does that really matter in the overall perspective? It certainly isn´t a social problem, is it? Yes! That is exactly what it is. It ought to be clear to anyone that this is not really about a profile on Facebook. This is about the basic values, the basic laws of this country. We do have a set of values in this country founded on charity and equality, respect and tolerance. We have a set of laws, the Constitution, which ensures us some basic rights – and duties.

We live in a part of the world where basic rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to assemble in demonstrations and equality are natural born gifts. But we must not forget that millions of people have sacrificed their life so that we can enjoy these rights that we do today. On 6th.June 1944 on the coasts of Normandy, just to mention an example. And we are among the just 10% of the total population on Earth to enjoy these rights and privileges. These values and laws have in the most abusive way been offended by nothing less than Facebook!

This sanctimonious social medium which is making us believe that it is an open and tolerant to everybody medium, which is demanding a decent tone and manners, which is so politically correct it makes you want to throw up! This very medium is totally inconsistent when it comes to enforcing it´s own rules. It is not about the person who got kicked out from Facebook. It is about the principle that this person has allowed himself to – with the Constitution in his hand – criticize islam as being one of our time´s greatest threats to democracy. At the same time Facebook is all yellow from infected personal profiles and hate-groups against the West, against Denmark, against sexual equality, against equality as such, against Jews, against homosexuals, against infidels and non-believers, against Danes, against Americans, against whatever western and above all against democracy. And all this is being used by millions of people all over the world without the slightest little criticism. It roars right in on the corneas of the users like an express train, there is no filter whatsoever, and indeed it is happening in the name of free speech. Like the deactivation of Anders Gravers´ profile? Or how was it now…
It is a very dangerous development that we are witnessing these days. In the name of free speech, in the name of democracy the advocates of free speech and democracy are being abusively harassed, threatened and now also brought to silence on Facebook, which increasingly is becoming an islamic propaganda platform. All this is happening right in front of our eyes without anybody interfering. In the name of democracy, democracy is being fought from the inside.

The last time we saw that in our part of the world was in Germany in1933. The method is not that different, nor is the goal. If we should endure as a democracy we have got to begin to understand just which threats democracy is really exposed to in our time. A good place to start is on Facebook.
We urge our readers to find moslem hate-groups and left wing groups clearly violating Facebook´s criteria and post these groups here as a comment to this article.

Help Anders Gravers back on facebook – support this group:




Text by Jim Verhulst, Times' Perspective editor
Photos by Emilio Morenatti, Associated Press

We typically think of terrorism as a political act.

But sometimes it’s very personal. It wasn’t a government or a guerrilla insurgency that threw acid on this woman’s face in Pakistan. It was a young man whom she had rejected for marriage. As the United States ponders what to do in Afghanistan — and for that matter, in Pakistan — it is wise to understand both the political and the personal, the very ignorance, illiteracy and misogyny that create the climate for these acid attacks can and does bleed over into the political realm.

Nicholas Kristof, the New York Times op-ed columnist who traveled to Pakistan last year to write about acid attacks, put it this way in an essay at the time: “I’ve been investigating such acid attacks, which are commonly used to terrorize and subjugate women and girls in a swath of Asia from Afghanistan through Cambodia (men are almost never attacked with acid). Because women usually don’t matter in this part of the world, their attackers are rarely prosecuted and acid sales are usually not controlled. It’s a kind of terrorism that becomes accepted as part of the background noise in the region. ...

“Bangladesh has imposed controls on acid sales to curb such attacks, but otherwise it is fairly easy in Asia to walk into a shop and buy sulfuric or hydrochloric acid suitable for destroying a human face. Acid attacks and wife burnings are common in parts of Asia because the victims are the most voiceless in these societies: They are poor and female.

The first step is simply for the world to take note, to give voice to these women.” Since 1994, a Pakistani activist who founded the Progressive Women’s Association to help such women “has documented 7,800 cases of women who were deliberately burned, scalded or subjected to acid attacks, just in the Islamabad area. In only 2 percent of those cases was anyone convicted.”

The geopolitical question is already hard enough: Should the United States commit more troops to Afghanistan and for what specific purpose? As American policymakers mull the options, here is a frame of reference that puts the tough choices in even starker relief: Are acid attacks a sign of just how little the United States can do to solve intractable problems there — therefore, we should pull out? Or having declared war on terrorism, must the United States stay out of moral duty, to try to protect women such as these — and the schoolgirls whom the Taliban in Afghanistan sprayed with acid simply for going to class — who have suffered a very personal terrorist attack?

• In January New York Times Magazine published a piece about the story of Afghan sisters Shamsia and Atifa Husseini, who were attacked with acid simply for attending school. I will publish their full story this week.

• I published the original story about acid attacks by Nicholas Kristoff, yesterday. Read it if you missed it...

Irum Saeed, 30, poses for a photograph at her office at the Urdu University of Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday, July 24, 2008. Irum was burned on her face, back and shoulders twelve years ago when a boy whom she rejected for marriage threw acid on her in the middle of the street. She has undergone plastic surgery 25 times to try to recover from her scars.
Shameem Akhter, 18, poses for a photograph at her home in Jhang, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 10, 2008. Shameem was raped by three boys who then threw acid on her three years ago. Shameem has undergone plastic surgery 10 times to try to recover from her scars.
Najaf Sultana, 16, poses for a photograph at her home in Lahore, Pakistan on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. At the age of five Najaf was burned by her father while she was sleeping, apparently because he didn't want to have another girl in the family. As a result of the burning Najaf became blind and after being abandoned by both her parents she now lives with relatives. She has undergone plastic surgery around 15 times to try to recover from her scars.
Shehnaz Usman, 36, poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008. Shehnaz was burned with acid by a relative due to a familial dispute five years ago. Shehnaz has undergone plastic surgery 10 times to try to recover from her scars.
Shahnaz Bibi, 35, poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008. Ten years ago Shahnaz was burned with acid by a relative due to a familial dispute. She has never undergone plastic surgery.
Kanwal Kayum, 26, adjusts her veil as she poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008. Kanwal was burned with acid one year ago by a boy whom she rejected for marriage. She has never undergone plastic surgery.
Munira Asef, 23, poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008. Munira was burned with acid five years ago by a boy whom she rejected for marriage. She has undergone plastic surgery 7 times to try to recover from her scars.
Bushra Shari, 39, adjusts her veil as she poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Friday, July. 11, 2008. Bushra was burned with acid thrown by her husband five years ago because she was trying to divorce him. She has undergone plastic surgery 25 times to try to recover from her scars.
Memuna Khan, 21, poses for a photograph in Karachi, Pakistan, Friday, Dec. 19, 2008. Menuna was burned by a group of boys who threw acid on her to settle a dispute between their family and Menuna's. She has undergone plastic surgery 21 times to try to recover from her scars.
Zainab Bibi, 17, adjusts her veil as she poses for a photograph in Islamabad, Pakistan, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008. Zainab was burned on her face with acid thrown by a boy whom she rejected for marriage five years ago. She has undergone plastic surgery several times to try to recover from her scars.
Naila Farhat, 19, poses for a photograph in Islamabad, Pakistan, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008. Naila was burned on her face with acid thrown by a boy whom she rejected for marriage five years ago. She has undergone plastic surgery several times to try to recover from her scars.
Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burned, at her home in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 9, 2008. When she was fifteen, Saira was married to a relative who would later attack her with acid after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars.