
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama: The Most Incompetent and Dangerous President Ever!


In a little more than 18 months, President Obama has managed to destroy America’s reputation around the world by damaging relationships with our traditional allies and making America appear as a weak and appeasing beggar to some of the most totalitarian and evil regimes in the world.

Meanwhile, his destructive obsession with restructuring the U.S. economy to mirror the socialist systems of Europe and several Third World nations are doing such long-term damage to our future prosperity that today’s college-age generation, (Gen Y or the Millennial Generation-born between the early 1980s-late 1990s), will have a less prosperous lifestyle and far fewer opportunities for growth than the previous generation had.

No longer are today’s older generations, including Generation X (born between 1965 -1980) making sacrifices in the hope that their offspring will be able to have a better life than the current one we inherited from our parents and grandparents. For the first time in American history, an older generation will not be leaving an even more prosperous America to its successor.

During the great “Obama Apology for America” tour, the president’s continual criticism of the nation he “leads” and his actions of cutting America down to size as just “another standard player” on the world stage were a bold statement to the international community about the contempt he holds for the United States. He has gone to the capitals of foreign nations, many of them hostile to the U.S., to grovel and bow before tyrant kings and dictators. Within weeks of assuming the Oval Office, Obama went to great pains in explaining how America is nothing exceptional, but simply an equal to all other nations, including the likes of countries such as Bangladesh, Yemen and Lebanon.

Starting with his first “official” televised interview, granted to the Islamic television network Al Jazeera, Obama has taken great pains to explain to Muslim audiences that America is “not a Christian nation,” and that Americans have so many Muslims that we are actually more of an “Islamic nation.” He has told audiences, from Cairo to Istanbul, that America has only become the powerhouse it is because Americans built this nation based upon the “tradition and culture” of the past “great Islamic” civilization. In churning out this amazing ditty to his Muslim audiences, he forgot to mention that America had actually built its representative republican form of government based on the principles as founded in the Roman Republic, which was a) European, b) eventually Christian, and c) at least 500 years or more before Mohammad (Islam’s founder) was even conceived in the Arabian peninsula.

Appeasing his friends in the Islamic world to the fullest extent, Obama has openly declared his outright hostility and anti-Semitism to the State of Israel. Making continual overtures to all the Muslim terrorist nations and organizations, many who carry an “official” policy of Israel’s destruction in their charters, Obama has simultaneously treated the Jewish state as a pariah nation. His undiplomatic and hostile treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a recent visit to the White House clearly demonstrated where this president’s loyalties lie.

Obama has even supported, for the first time, a UN resolution singling out Israeli ambiguity about its nuclear weapon reserves. This has been an issue that no other previous president has touched, as it has always been understood that Israel, being small and surrounded by enemies on all sides, needs to keep this strategic policy of nuclear ambiguity in place as deterrence to its neighbors. However, Obama has decided it is time to strip Israel of a defense upon which its very survival as a nation rests. The world knows Israel would never use nuclear weapons except defensively, and they know the UN is a hotbed of Islamic bloc nations with hostile intentions for Israel. Yet Obama has put the United States on the side of aggressor, terrorist nations by allowing this historic condemnation to go through.

In further evidence of his anti-Israel policies, Obama has openly chastised the Jewish state for its “crime” of defending itself via a legal blockade of Gaza, the Hamas-run terrorist hotbed south of Israel’s border. Gaza was part of the Democrat’s cherished “land-for-peace” deals in the Bill Clinton 1990s in which Israel surrendered defensive buffer zones against hostile neighbors to create a “Palestinian” state, in exchange for “Palestine” to drop its “destruction of Israel” policies and live in peace next door to the Jewish state.

Israel’s reward for this good-faith gesture has been a rabid Islamist population that immediately elected Hamas as the head of its government. Gaza is now administered by a terrorist organization with a charter to destroy Israel.
Additionally, Israel has reaped the benefits of “land-for-peace” in the form of Israeli citizens being kidnapped at the border, suicide bombers blowing Israeli civilians to bits as they peacefully go about their daily lives, and thousands of explosive rockets, launched from Gaza territory, raining down on the homes of Israeli civilians residing in Israel-proper.

When Islamist “humanitarian” groups continue to try and bring weapons and military supplies under the guise of “humanitarian aid” directly to Gaza, in defiance of Israel’s request that all ships go to Israel for unloading of all humanitarian aid that Israel will deliver to Gaza itself, the Jewish state has no choice but to blockade Gaza to prevent further terrorist attacks. Despite the fact that these “humanitarian groups” are openly declaring their main purpose is to provoke Israel and interfere in running the blockade, rather than in delivering true “humanitarian aid” to Gaza, Israel has had to resort to boarding ships and stopping weapons trafficking.
Each time Israel has tried to aggressively defend itself against Hamas, whether by militarily entering Gaza to weed out the terrorists or by closing the border, the UN and “world community” has organized protests and condemnations against Israel. The United States has remained the only nation to defend Israel, recognizing that the Jewish state is a democratic, peaceful nation, friend and ally in the region.

All past U.S. presidents have stood by Israel, even Carter and Clinton. The exception is President Barak Hussein Obama, who has openly chastised Israel for defending itself and has withheld U.S. support of Israel in her ongoing dispute with the “Palestinians.” There is no doubt that Israel has been completely abandoned by Obama’s America, as this president is much more sympathetic to the likes of Hamas’ terrorists rather than a democratic Israel. He almost seems intent on pulling the rug out from under the Jewish state and giving Israel a rope with which to hang itself.

However, Obama has not only thrown Israel to the wolves, he has also completely disregarded our other major allies, such as Britain, by never missing an opportunity to snub or insult the Brits.

While Obama is destroying American influence and goodwill with its friends and allies, he is courting “dialogue” with the likes of the Islamic terrorists and Communist cults-of-personalities. Obama’s open, disgusting and submissive overtures to the likes of Iran for a “face-to-face talk” about how Iran should quit trying to join the nuclear club have fallen on deaf ears. Each time Obama has tried to get a meeting with Iranian “President” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Tehran has reciprocated with more insults and more statements of destroying Israel.

Likewise for North Korea and its sinister dictator, Kim Jong Il, who have realized that this president is nothing but a weak paper tiger, totally dependent on high rhetoric and low on an actual spine to stand up to aggression. Hence North Koreas bold act of war earlier last month, when a North Korean sub torpedoed and sunk a South Korean naval vessel in South Korean waters. Kim Jong Il, like all dictators and totalitarians the world over, know that Obama will do nothing to stop them beyond using a few teleprompter words to “condemn” their actions.

While having created a power vacuum in a dangerous world by his total lack of spine and uninspiring “leadership,” Obama has presided over the highest deficit spending in the nation’s history. In just 18 months, this administration has outspent all previous presidents combined! While the nation has gone from 8% unemployment at the time of former President Bush’s departure to 10% or more while under Obama’s watch, this administration has simply ignored the economy in its blind-eyed approach to ramming an unwanted, nationalized and socialized health care law into being.

While the U.S. states bordering Mexico have pleaded for Obama to clamp down on illegal immigration, his regime has instead ignored the cries for help to work on more “important issues” such as making sure that gays and lesbians can openly serve in the military. When those states were ignored by Obama, they took matters into their own hands, only to be demonized by their “president” as “racists and bigots” who are propagating an illegal activity against “undocumented workers.” Just to make sure the border states understood where Obama’s loyalties lie, he invited Mexican President Calderon to the White House for a state dinner, giving the Mexican president an opportunity to dictate that Americans must quit defending the border and that it is the Americans, and especially Arizonans, who are the real criminals here.

In light of the British Petroleum (BP) oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama has been clueless. He ignored the problem for almost 44 days, and then only addressed the issue after members of his own political party pressured him to at least act like he was concerned about the people of the Gulf coast. Over the course of the past two weeks, in what is arguably the worst disaster ever to hit the United States, this president has simply resorted to bullying BP with ultimatums and threats as the company works around the clock to literally stop the well. While BP actually attempts to work on stopping the disaster, Obama stands at a podium pointing an accusing finger at the company, while doing nothing to assist in aiding the beleaguered states whose economies and industries are threatened by the coming onslaught of oil contamination on the shores.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindall, who time and again has begged the Obama administration to allow the state to dredge and build artificial sand barriers out in the Gulf to absorb the coming oil and thus save the coastline from disaster. All of these requests by Jindall, a Republican, were simply ignored and dismissed by Team Obama. Yet this president demands that it is the federal government who is in charge of “getting that damned hole plugged.” After all the accusations Obama made against Bush’s handling of Katrina on the campaign trail, he should be ashamed of himself. His absolute mishandling of the crisis is light years beyond the mismanagement that Bush was accused of, making Obama a far more incompetent crisis manager.

Obama has managed to do the impossible. He has managed to make even Jimmy Carter look like a good president. His total lack of competence, diplomatic skills and understanding of the realities of the world, coupled with his total lack of loyalty to the country he “serves” and his disdain for all things American while supporting everything from terrorist dictatorships to illegal aliens, makes this radical in the White House not only the most incompetent president in the nation’s history, but also one of the most dangerous.

The GOVERNMENT IS SEEKING "PERMISSION" to use Drones to monitor the US

Just reported by Andrew Napolitano, today, 6/16/2010 @14:45 hrs

The GOVERNMENT now wants to use DRONES
to monitor the US!

The excuse being given is: to MONITOR THE BORDER.
(yeah, sure, like I believe that will be the ONLY use!) 

Shall we just put cameras in our houses and cars, and make it "convenient" for them?

Can we say "POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE OF POWER?" AND "1984" by George Orwell??

This is NOT permitted by the 4th Amendment!



Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills


June 16, 2010
2:26 am

                  Gov. Charlie Crist checks a Florida beach for signs of oil
                                                       (in a girls butt)

For all his reputation as the nation's Top Talker, Barack Obama took his sweet time giving a maiden Oval Office address to the country. And waiting another nearly 60 days to speak nationally about the oil spill that’s become the worst environmental disaster in the nation’s history.

Obama, the first modern president to pass his first full year in office without addressing the country from his historic desk, had the setting right. Just back from a day-and-a-half on the gulf coast listening, reassuring, talking tourism, eating seafood. He wore the proper suit, had the requisite flags and family photos in the background.

For 18 minutes he delivered the words crisply and forthrightly, though too often distracting anxious viewers with his fidgeting hands like the lecturing professor he once was. Or wait! Was Mr. Cool nervous? (See video below.)

Obama had the firmness down OK: Make no mistake etc. We will hold BP accountable etc. He had the God references. The talk of real live shrimpers devastated. An American way of life threatened. And though he likened the spill more to an epidemic, he also brought in the requisite battle metaphors. And, in case anyone hasn't heard by now, Obama noted has another Nobel Prize winner in his cabinet, Stephen Chu, who hasn't been able to stop the oil leak either.

But there was something wrong. The first two-thirds of the president's remarks read just fine (Full text over here on The Ticket as usual). By golly, we’ll get the money, we’ll clean it up, no matter how long it takes.

But watching the president and hearing him was a little creepy; that early portion of the address was robotic, lacked real energy, enthusiasm. And worst of all specifics. He was virtually detail-less.

After almost two months of waiting through continuously contradictory reports, an anxious American public wanted to know, HOW are you going to accomplish all this?

Even Obama's cheerleaders over at MSNBC were complaining. "Where was the How in this speech?" demanded Keith Olbermann. Seriously.

Everyone's assumed that fixing the leak was a given since Day Four, which was still five days before the Democrat got his big plane and presidential entourage down there.

Local gulf coast officials are tearing out their hair trying to comprehend and comply with seventeen (as in seven more than 10) federal agencies falling all over themselves to do The Boss’ bidding and help and impose and superimpose their visions and regulations on what is a war zone with hundreds of ships and some 30,000 people involved, many of them frightened. And all of them inexperienced on a disaster of this scale.

Trust me, the president said, tomorrow I'm going to give those BP execs what-for. As CBS' Mark Knoller noted on his Twitter account, the president has allotted exactly 20 whole minutes this morning -- 1,200 fleeting seconds -- to his first-ever conversation with the corporation responsible for the disaster.

Then, he's got an important lunch with Joe "I Witnessed the World Cup's First Tie" Biden.

Well, just-believe-in-my-change-to-believe-in may have been good enough to win Obama's party primaries and the general election in 2008 and drag along into office enormous congressional majorities of fellow party travelers.

But after yelling "JOBS!" for a year and getting a protracted Democratic intra-party fight over Obama's beloved healthcare instead, Americans wanted some Oval Office specifics Tuesday evening on stopping the uncontrolled undersea oil escape.

Instead, Obama was like a Harvard-trained nurse talking vacation to a new patient bleeding all over the ER floor. Hello, could we please stop the blood flow here before we discuss the long-term recovery?

Obama’s delivery did not really come alive until the end when the ex-community organizer got into his favorite Big Picture stuff. Memo to American Homeowners: Do not call Obama over to fix your leaking roof – or pipe. Have him design a new house, no, better yet an entire neighborhood or city from scratch.

Following the advice of his chief of staff, Rahm "I Got a Rent-Free Apartment from a BP Adviser" Emanuel, Obama is determined to leave no crisis unused. When he got into the decades-long fossil fuel addiction rehab stuff, his eyes shone. His delivery punched up.

Now, that is an issue that requires greatness. Another galactic reform out of Hyde Park. It sounds swell unless mega-trillion-dollar federal deficits are on your mind, which voter polls now show ranks with terrorism as Americans' top fears.

Obama’s historic presidential campaign was not only big in terms of an unprecedented three-quarters of a billion dollars to win. It was about Big Promises. He was going to change America, radically reform the entire education system, healthcare, comb the entire federal budget line-by-line, oh, and change the 200-year-old partisan ways of the capitol. About the only big change the White Sox fan didn't promise was getting the Cubs a World Series ring.

It was all impractical, of course. But the country wanted to believe in his change to believe in.

And it did, handing complete control of the federal government over to Obama and his Democratic party. And today, after 17 months of lop-sided Democratic majorities now nervously confronting midterm elections Nov. 2, about 60% of Americans would like the new healthcare bill repealed. And they're hinting they'd probably like some more Republicans in Congress too.

President Obama has said he doesn’t sense an appetite to address something as large as the illegal immigrant issue this year. But suddenly – watch the left hand over here because he wants you to not focus on how long it’s taken him to take charge of the spill – he thinks there’s a compelling need to spend a motorcade full of moola that the federal government doesn’t have in order to change the country’s energy habits.

And we've gotta start that right now because of an underwater leaking pipe 40 miles off Louisiana that we haven't plugged and don't really understand how it broke in the first place. So let's do the electric car thing and build more windmills now.

And if, by chance, the nation’s politicians end up fighting over an energy plan during the next five months until the voting, maybe the politically damaging healthcare regrets and hidden costs will drown in all the words like so many thousands of seabirds in all the gulf’s still-surging oil.

-- Andrew Malcolm