
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Appleseed Project... Why should I come?

Why should you come?
Well, for one thing, to see what this Appleseed stuff is all about. To find out why one well-known gun writer who was there said, "this is going to be the next big thing that nobody saw coming."

Another reason...
To learn to shoot a rifle — to learn to shoot it just as well as your forefathers.

Another reason...

To hear The Story that every American should hear. About how your forebears took up arms, on the first day of the American Revolution, and did things no other people in the world have ever done. To learn things you don't learn in school, about that day. About where the Revolution really started — it did not start in Lexington, nor did it start in Concord. According to Sam Adams, it was over before it started. Be there to hear The Story, because to hear it is to remember what they did, that day. And to remember, is to honor them for doing it.

Another reason...
To gather new hope for the future. To see Americans — volunteer Americans — not sitting around complaining: no sir, out doing something about it — like saving their country, one person at a time.

Another reason...
To meet fellow Americans who feel like you do, and to bathe in an association with real Americans that is lacking in your everyday life. So you'll go back home rejuvenated - and maybe with hope for the future, for the first time in years.

Another reason...
To qualify to purchase an M1 Garand — still one of the world's finest battle rifles — and a true piece of American history...direct from the Civilian Marksmanship Program for a price several hundred dollars under market.

Welcome to the Appleseed Project

What the RWVA (Revolutionary War Veterans Association) is all about:
The Appleseed Program is designed to take you from being a simple rifle owner to being a true rifleman. All throughout American history, the rifleman has been defined as a marksman capable of hitting a man-sized target from 500 yards away — no ifs, ands or buts about it. This 500-yard range is traditionally known as "the rifleman's quarter-mile;" a rifleman can hit just about any target he can see. This skill was particulary evident in the birth of our country, and was the difference in winning the Revolutionary War.

So why me?
This country was founded and won by riflemen who fought and beat British forces. We invite all interested marksmen to learn the skills and techniques necessary to shoot proficiently; and then hope you'll participate in teaching and practicing with others so that together we can save this great land. Why you? Well, that's simple: if you're on this page we're betting you're a patriot, and we hope you answer the call.

What's a rifleman?
In short, a rifleman is an armed American, trained in the tradition of American Liberty. It's a man who has learned to shoot a rifle accurately — accurate enough to score "expert" on the Army Qualification Course. Until you can do that, you're considered a "Cook," unprepared and unqualified to carry a rifle on the firing line of freedom. But after attending an Appleseed AQT shoot, you'll have the credentials necessary to be a true rifleman, and will understand the critical need for defending freedom in this country.

The RWVA is dedicated to the Appleseed Program and encourages every American to learn to shoot


[You may think this is a little severe, but read it over again, and think about it]

September 19, 2001
Why I Am Canceling My Appearance at the Freedom Summit
By Aaron Zelman Executive Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Would you pay to have the Bill of Rights used as toilet paper? Would you write a check to have every liberty the Bill protects flushed into the sewer? Would you pony up your credit card for permission to be mangled in the inhuman and inhumane machinery of a corporate police state?

If your answer to these questions is no -- and hell no! and
DON'T TREAD ON ME -- then you'll understand exactly why I am
canceling my scheduled appearance at the annual Freedom Summit, the weekend of October 6 & 7, 2001.

To reach the Summit in Arizona, I would have to fly from my home
in Wisconsin. This I can no longer do -- not with the latest
"heightened [and useless] airport security measures" designed to
treat me like a criminal, a serf, or both.

I will never set foot on a commercial airliner until the
airlines, the airport authorities, the FAA, and all other
would-be regulators of air travel respect my rights. (And I'm
talking about inborn rights, the ones Americans have bled and
died for, not government-granted privileges that can be
withdrawn at the whim of some faceless bean counter.)


Tragedy and threats of war -- even the most horrible the U.S.
has ever seen -- must not be allowed to become an excuse for
the murder of liberty.

Arbitrary searches don't halt violence. But as if they missed
that entire point on September 11, 2001, the airlines and the
regulators they're cozy in bed with want more of the same. Walk
through their scanners. Humbly answer their questions, praying
that you don't sound nervous or "suspicious." Open your bags.
Open your purses. Open your shaving kits or your lipstick tubes.
Bend over and open whatever orifice they might wish to inspect
once they've determined your willingness to submit.

Disarming me and you doesn't make the nation's skies safe.
But -- tragically missing that point, also -- these police-
statist cowards now want to make sure that millions of people
are deprived even of their razor blades, Girl Scout knives --
and even plastic knives from fast-food joints.

What will they want to take next? Our shoes so that we can't
kick them? Our pens so that we can't gouge them? Our teeth so
that we can't bite them? Our fingernails so that we can't claw

Because believe me, if we comply with their new demands -- if
we docilely go along for the sake of convenience and the false
promise of "safety" -- they will eventually take everything
that makes us free human beings. Corporate airlines and their
pals in the bureaucracy and in Congress will take our arms, our
rights, our courage, and our fight-back spirit -- and leave us
as cowed as good Stalinist subjects, and as defenseless as
newborn kittens.

They saw the consequences on September 11 of disarming Americans and teaching them to be passive. And their reaction? To make us even more vulnerable, so we can't protect ourselves, each other,or our nation's freedom.

These Beltway Bozos will make us unsafe on the ground as well
as in the air. Remember several years ago, when gangs of
criminals in Florida were targeting -- and sometimes killing --
tourists who'd just gotten off airplanes? Why? Because the
thugs knew their victims were disarmed. Now, with the new FAA
guidelines, airline "security" agents are busily "disarming"
travelers of their disposable razors, manicure sets, aerosol
deodorants, hairspray, corkscrews, garden shears, sparklers,
nail files, pen knives, and in one case reported by the
Sacramento Bee, even an empty ammunition box. They want to
make sure we can't fight back against anybody with any tool.
"Thanks, FAA," say the criminals, as they lie in wait for
debarking passengers. "You've just made our job SO much

I say it halts here -- in my life. Furthermore, you and I have
a chance to put a total stop to these abuses of our liberty
using our economic clout.


Don't pull out your checkbook. Don't hand over your credit
cards. Don't give the government-regulated airlines your
business. They're already in financial trouble, and they've
earned it. Let them go bankrupt. Let them pay the price for
conditioning us to act like cattle and lulling us into
submission with their phony FAA-inspired promises to keep us

The airlines are private companies, even though they and the
federal government are in each others pockets (like so many
other big corporations). The jets they fly are privately owned.
Airlines have the power to tell the government to go to hell.
And if they don't, then we should tell THEM to go to hell.

Give them the Smith & Wesson treatment. Remember what happened when that gun manufacturer crawled under the sheets with Bill Clinton? S&W figured it would make politically correct guns,
violate your privacy, compromise your safety, be paid off in
lucrative government contracts and get federal protection from
lawsuits. Weren't the compromisers surprised when gun owners
(who they thought were paper tigers) and dealers (who they
thought would put up with anything) turned around and broke
S & W?

So let the airlines go under. Help put them under. Some
libertarian can buy up their assets for 10 cents on the dollar
and run a new airline. Flight attendants on the future LibertyAir
can hand out frangible ammunition instead of pretzels. That way
nobody will poke holes in a fuselage while poking holes in a
hijacker. And no costly, uniformed, authoritarian, fumble-
fingered, rent-a-cop "Sky Marshals" will be needed.

To put it bluntly, corporations, regulators, and legislators
who don't approve of free, armed Americans flying on airplanes
are domestic terrorists. We already saw the mass bloodshed they
helped perpetrate on September 11, after decades of encouraging
citizens to comply with evil and idiocy, decades of conditioning
us to surrender our rights to anyone who makes a strident enough
demand, decades of depriving us of both mental and physical tools
for serious resistance.

Why should real Americans be subjected to the herd-think that
turns so much of the rest of humanity into mere subjects? Did
our ancestors not fight to free us of such subservience?

More acts of terror are inevitable. And when they strike, the
blood of innocent people will be on the hands not only of the
attackers and their controllers, but on the hands of airline
presidents, faceless rule writers, "just-following-orders"
airline security inspectors, and authoritarians like Charles
Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein, Peter
Jennings, and Dan Rather whose vision of utopia has their
friends in charge and the rest of us cowed, tracked, stamped,
numbered, disarmed, and helpless to resist.


The mission statement of the Freedom Summit

www.freedom summit.com

says: "Socialism and other coercive centralized planning schemes
have failed to improve, and indeed worsened, the human condition.
...[T]he Freedom Summit encourages individuals to promote freedom in non-coercive ways which are best suited to their individual talents." I completely support that mission. But it's more
important to support it with actions than with words.

By all means, attend the Freedom Summit if you can. That is, if
you can walk there, bike there, drive there, or otherwise arrive
without submitting to the police state. The Summit's organizers
and speakers deserve your support. But for this and all other
activities, rethink your priorities. Don't put yourself at the
mercy of airlines, now or ever, until the police statists and
human-cattle herders relent.

Hold video conferences, not face-to-face meetings. Get on the
Internet if you haven't already and use every electronic
opportunity for communication. (You'll get more accurate, less
"managed" news, too, while you're at it.)

Drive, don't fly, on your vacations or your visits to family.

If you're a pilot or flight attendant, quit if they won't allow
you any meaningful self-defense. Go to work for people who don't
want you to be a victim. True, that's easier said than done, but
you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and America.

Everyone: Arm yourselves and don't surrender your right to be
armed for anybody's greasy assurances that if you behave meekly
enough they'll keep you safe.

Finally -- and soon: Let the airlines crash (financially) as
emphatically as they let four of their planes crash on
September 11, 2001. Don't help underwrite the bloody terror
that inevitably arises from submission and disarmament.

Don't conspire in the contract-murder of the Bill of Rights.

Aaron Zelman
Executive Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms