
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Obama vs. Israel – AGAIN! (Asskisser in Chief)

As we all know, Israel had “regrettable” timing in announcing their plans for new housing in the contested area of Jerusalem. The announcement was made by a ” ministry controlled by an ultra-Orthodox coalition partner” while Vice President and Genius Extraordinaire Joe Biden was visiting, and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has apologized four times for it.

However, Obama and his cronies do not intend to let this “lapse” pass. FOUR times, Netanyahu has apologized. It apparently is not enough.

According to a CNSNews.com post this afternoon:
Biden twice during his visit to the region condemned the decision to build 1,600 housing units in a part of the city claimed by the Palestinians, the administration appears unwilling to let the matter lie.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a 45-minute phone conversation Friday morning, gave Netanyahu a dressing down, and the same day the Israeli ambassador, Michael Oren, was summoned to the State Department to hear further protests, this time from Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg.
Clinton later told NBC and CNN in separate interviews that the Israeli decision was “insulting,” and on Sunday, President Obama’s advisor David Axelrod, on ABC’s This Week, called it an “affront” and “destructive.”

First of all, what business is it of OURS what Israel does in Israel’s land ?? Joe Biden condemned the decision? So??? And Israel should care because…..?????

Secondly, who the HELL does Hillary Clinton think she is, ‘dressing down” the Prime Minister of a sovereign state? How exactly is Israel’s decision to build houses in a part of Jerusalem “insulting”?? What right does ANYone in this country, let alone our supreme rulers have to dictate to anyone else what they can or cannot do in their own country, when it does not directly affect the welfare of OUR country? Why is it paramount that we suck up to Palestine while simultaneously trashing our longstanding ally? Are we so afraid of stepping on the toes of any of the Muslim nations… oh, wait… yes, we are so afraid of stepping on the toes of any of the Muslim Nations. Especially since we now have a Muslim in Chief.

The CNSNews article goes on to say:
Axelrod said he would not discuss what conversations had been held with the Israelis aside from the public comments, but he thought the Israelis understood clearly “what we want moving forward.”

Israeli media said the government was coming under pressure to announce concessions to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.).
The Jerusalem Post said the U.S. was believed to be pressing Netanyahu to cancel the housing project, and to take further “confidence-building” steps such as releasing more Palestinian prisoners.

P.A. Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to withdraw from planned U.S.-mediated indirect talks because of the issue, and Abbas’ aide, Nabil Abu Rdainah, said at the weekend that for the talks to take place, Netanyahu would have to annul the housing decision.

To do so, however, would go counter to the prime minister’s position that his government’s temporary freeze on “settlement” construction – agreed last October under pressure from Washington – explicitly does not include Jerusalem.

According to this article, Israeli rulers have for all their history maintained that Jerusalem is Israel’s undivided capital. If Netanyahu were to reverse this, it would be devastating to his coalition and to Israel.

How would WE react if, say… Venezuelans decided that half of Washington DC should be ceded to them. And they decided to take up residence there, and fight Americans for it, for the next 200 years; fighting and fighting, blowing up school children, and police stations, and killing wedding parties, and people out shopping for their dinners; Venezuelan (I’m just using Venezuela as an example, don’t forget) suicide bombers blowing themselves and dozens of innocent bystanders to smithereens on a daily or weekly basis. Finally, after 2 centuries of fighting, Venezuela and the US decide to sit down at a table with an Israeli (for the sake of argument and fairness to my suppositions) leader as a moderator. Israel decides it is in everyone’s best interest if the US just go ahead and let the Venezuelan’s take … oh… half of DC. They draw a little chalk line down the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue; and one side is United States territory, and the other is Venezuelan. Now, We The People are pretty tweaked over this, because for all of our history, Washington DC has been OURS. Now, it belongs also to an interloper, destroyers and murderers who hate the very breath in our lungs. Would we stand idly by and let Israel tell us to just cut it out, and let Venezuela have DC? I don’t think so. I think we would slap the Israeli moderator in the head and tell him to take a hike. And we would do what we knew was the right thing to do for our own country.

Okay, maybe my example is a little simplistic; but you get my point. Where does THIS administration get off by threatening Israel? What will the United States do when they no longer have Israel as the buffer zone between all of the terror that is the Muslim states, and us? Especially with the way that our illustrious leaders have bent their knees and kissed the asses of the other leaders, much to their amusement.

This can lead to nothing good. One wonders why I am surprised. Nothing Obama and his administration of inexperienced nincompoops have done has been to the betterment of America or her people. Why should they start now?

I would just like to finish by saying, Israel, for what it is worth, *I* am sorry.