
Sunday, December 28, 2008


After The Shooting
"... some things that you need to remember..."
As self-defense oriented people, we tend to think about the actual encounter a lot, and seldom, if ever, about what we should do in the aftermath. If you are unlucky enough to be involved in a violent encounter, there are some things that you need to remember to maximize your chances of a successful outcome.
Call for help immediately. Even if you produced the gun and your assailant retreated with no shots fired, call the police. If there is somebody out there worth pulling a gun on, then the cops need to know about it. They may have just gone around the corner to pick an easier victim.
As soon as it is safe for you to do so, call 911. Always ask for an ambulance. If somebody has been shot, whether injured or even if you are a hundred percent sure that they are dead, you still need to ask for medical attention. First off, killing people sucks, so if you've got an injured assailant, you probably don't want him to die, you just wanted to make him leave you alone. Second, if you don't ask for medical attention, then there is an excellent chance that fact will be brought up during any potential trial. Strategically, it is just another tool of a prosecutor trying to portray the permit holder as a blood-thirsty vigilante.
If humanly possible, have your weapon secured before the police arrive, at least in your holster, absolutely do not have it in your hand or be any where near it. The responding officers do not know you, and the information they got from dispatch was probably sketchy at best. The last thing you want to do is survive a violent encounter only to get shot by the cops because they think you're the bad guy.
If you are ever in a situation where you still have the gun in your hands, and the police arrive, they are going to order you to drop the gun. Comply with their instructions immediately, otherwise they may think you are the threat and very likely may shoot you. Do not start talking or trying to explain what is going on. Don't be offended because they are treating you like the bad guy. This is not the time to get indignant. This is the time to keep from getting shot.
If you have medical training, and you have just shot and injured an attacker, you may be tempted to administer first aid. Keep in mind, however, that a minute ago this person was trying to hurt you bad enough that they were worth shooting. They may still be a threat to you. Your primary advantage was the fact you had a firearm. If you then put yourself close enough to administer treatment, you are giving up that advantage. He may not be as incapacitated as you believe, and when he stirs and sees the person who just shot him within arm's length, you have a real good chance of getting yourself seriously injured. He’s going to be very angry, and may have a folding knife that you don't know about until it is buried in your chest.
Keep in mind that when the police shoot somebody, the paramedics do not rush in and give immediate aid. The police always secure the individual before the paramedics move in. That is for everyone's safety. If you have been through first responder training, keep in mind one of the very first examples that was given to your class. If you come across a car accident, and the car is on fire, you do not have to climb into the burning car to try and help, because now you are just one more injured person to treat. You never want to endanger yourself to administer aid.
Never, never NEVER tamper with the crime scene. You may have heard the old myth, usually given by an imbecile that does not understand self-defense law, "if you shoot the guy on the porch, drag him in the living room." VERY Bad idea. Do not ever do that. Once you shoot someone, wherever it happened is now a crime scene. If you tamper with the evidence, the authorities and forensics will figure it out, and this will damage your credibility in the minds of the reasonable people looking at your case. If you felt the need to tamper with the scene, they will believe that you are trying to hide something. The only thing you may do, is to make the area physically safe for yourself, but other than that, leave the scene alone!
On the same note, do not leave the scene. Your personal safety does come first, so if you need to get away to keep from being injured, make sure that you call the police as quickly as possible. If you leave the scene of a shooting, it once again raises the specter of guilt with the authorities, and will color their investigation accordingly.
The responding officers are going to detain and attempt to question you Give a VERY brief statement, and then shut up, accent on brief, with little or no details. As in, "Officer, he attacked me, I was in fear for my life, so I shot him." That is it. Do not start to babble to the police. Do not try to explain everything at the time. They will continue to question you. At that point you will politely tell them that you are not going to answer any more questions until you have your attorney present.
If you ever have to shoot someone, unless you have ice water in your veins, you will be going through various stress reactions. One person may be in shock, another will be distraught that they just took a life, yet another may be enraged that some bad guy just threatened their children. Regardless of your reaction, you will not be in a calm state of mind. It is a biological fact that adrenalin affects higher brain functions. You will tend to forget details, some of which may be very important, or, even worse, you will fill in the forgotten blanks with facts that will later be shown to be incorrect.
ALWAYS wait until you have an attorney present before you make your statement. This gives you the time to compose yourself and calm down. Also, the Bill of Rights gives us the right to legal counsel. Take advantage of it. A good attorney will keep you from saying anything stupid that will be used against you in court later.
You may have the mistaken belief it is the bad guys that need the defense attorneys, not the good guys. Unfortunately, in reality it does not work that way. We live and work in an adversarial legal system, and anything you say in a statement, "can and will be used against you in a court of law."
These are just a few basic tips to keep in mind. Your primary consideration in a violent encounter is to first survive the attack, but doing these things may help you survive the aftermath.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why I Carry a Gun

This is an AWESOME little piece of writing that found its way into my email box this week.
It's credited to "Anonymous but Brilliant". If anyone knows the true author, give me a shout and I'll give credit where credit is due! Ten minutes of google-research turned up nothing though, so here goes.

You're going to LOVE this!

Why I Carry a Gun

  • I don't carry a gun to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
  • I don't carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.
  • I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.
  • I don't carry a gun because I'm evil. I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.
  • I don't carry a gun because I hate the government. I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
  • I don't carry a gun because I'm angry. I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
  • I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.
  • I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die and go to Heaven, I want to be a cowboy.
  • I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man. I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.
  • I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.
  • I don't carry a gun because I love it. I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

What did I tell you- pretty amazing, eh?

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Interim Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, appointed after Sheriff Mike Carona resigned from office to face federal corruption charges, has been harshly criticized over her decision to send revocation letters to roughly 400 Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) holders for allegedly lacking “good cause” as she interprets it in her new CCW policy. The holders were deemed by Corona to have “good cause.” At first Hutchens justified the policy by saying there was a perception that CCWs were issued in exchange for political support in the Carona administration. But the vast majority of the CCWs issued by Carona were perfectly legitimate, and after the Orange County Board of Supervisors (BOS) was flooded with complaints from these CCW holders and turned up the heat on Hutchens, she now claims (based on bad legal advice from attorneys sympathetic to the gun ban lobby) that she is legally limited in defining “good cause” and has no discretion to issue CCWs liberally. If her legal position were correct, all of the many Sheriffs and Chiefs who broadly interpret “good cause” and more freely issue CCWs throughout California would be breaking the law.

NRA and CRPA attorneys provided the BOS with several legal memorandums explaining the broad authority that any sheriff or police chief has in determining what constitutes “good cause” to issue a CCW permit. These memoranda analyze the significance of a 1977 Attorney General letter that Hutchens’ legal advisor is primarily relying on in claiming her discretion to issue CCWs is limited. The NRA/CRPA lawyers also provided the BOS with a proposed resolution concerning issuing CCWs. Attorneys for the like-minded self-defense civil rights activists at http://www.calccw.com/ also provided materials to the BOS. These and other documents relating to the dispute are available below.

The BOS met on November 18, 2008 and, led eloquently by pro-self-defense-civil-rights Supervisor Chris Norby, unequivocally urged the Sheriff to reconsider her restrictive CCW issuance policy. Then Supervisor Patricia Bates added an agenda item to the November 25 meeting to address the unintended consequences of an electronic “scarlet letter” appearing on a citizen's Department of Justice record when a CCW is revoked – because police generally assume a revocation occurs because of criminal wrong-doing. Bates requested the county ask the state Attorney General to devise a method for noting CCW revocation that doesn't necessarily imply wrong-doing. The BOS approved her item.

During the hearing Supervisor Bill Campbell asked Hutchens what she took away from the all-day BOS meeting on CCW’s the week earlier. Among other remarks where she basically hid behind the bad legal advice she got, she also announced: "Until we get to some resolution on this specific issue, I will not be revoking any permits until we can resolve this, so we'll stay those revocations until that time." After follow-up inquiry from Supervisor Norby, Hutchens clarified that the freeze applies only to revocations related to a CCW’s holder's failure to meet the new, more stringent "good cause" standards. Sheriff Hutchen's has also written to General Jerry Brown to "please review its practices and evaluate alternate means of denoting a change of CCW license status in the DOJ's official criminal and firearms databases, where the local issuing agency revokes an existing license due to an absence of articulatable good cause only. This effort is necessary to uphold the reputation and credentials of good and upstanding citizens of this state.

"That’s a good start, but the legal position Hutchens is taking is indefensible and attacks all the liberal CCW issuance policies in California. It cannot stand. NRA/CRPA lawyers are working on getting it rejected. And these CCWs are still going to expire, even if not revoked.

Sheriff Hutchens is quite likely relying on political advice from advisors from her native Los Angeles County. But adopting an LA County approach in Orange County is as dumb as the bad legal advice she’s getting. Hutchens seems hell-bent serving only a short-term interim role as Sheriff. Her actions will have ramifications in the election in 2010. She needs to realize that lives are on the line; real families, real unarmed victims. There were no problems under the Carona CCW policy. It worked, don’t fix it.
C. D. "Chuck" Michel
Managing Partner

Recently, Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has been criticized over the revocation of hundreds of Carry Concealed Weapons (CCW) permits for allegedly lacking “good cause.” These CCWs were issued to persons who were deemed by the prior sheriff, Mike Corona, to have “good cause.” According to the Sheriff Hutchens, these revocations are based upon “new policies” that she has implemented for the issuance and maintenance of CCW licenses.

Sheriff Hutchens has said that her new policy is designed to prevent abuse of discretion for political purposes, stating that there was a perception that concealed weapons permits were being issued in exchange for support in the previous administration. Believing the new CCW policy to be too restrictive, the National Rifle Association, by way of its California Counsel - Chuck Michel of the law firm Trutanich – Michel, LLP, has provided the Orange County Board of Supervisors with an opinion letter regarding the broad authority that Sheriff Hutchens has with regard to issuing CCW permits. This memorandum of law includes and references the 1979 Attorney General Opinion that she relied upon in implementing the new CCW policy.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors met on November 18, 2008 to discuss the Sheriff’s new CCW issuance policy. To assist the Sheriff in application of the CCW laws, the National Rifle Association provided the Orange County Board of Supervisors with a proposed resolution concerning CCWs within the County that provides for a standardized and equitable application of the laws. Each of these documents are available below.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Think it can't happen here?? Think again...

"New Sheriff in Orange County,
CA bans civilian CCWs."
"...The public revocation makes former CCW
holders perfect targets for criminals..."

California has civilian CCWs? They are few and far in-between.
Now there will be even fewer.
Previous Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona had issued over 1,100 permits to civilians. He stepped down earlier this year after facing federal corruption charges.
Appointed new Sheriff is Sandra Hutchens, a 27-year veteran of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. Part of her statement during the swearing-in ceremony was: "It is only by leading the department, doing an analysis of all the things we do right, that we can have the solid foundation to identify what we do wrong and fix it."

In terms of permits to carry, there had been allegations that the previous Sheriff had handed out permits to large campaign contributors, The Orange County Register lists $68,000 and up in and article of October 9. If these individuals indeed "purchased" their permits meaning that mandatory background checks and training were bypassed, there is only one correct response: their permits have to be revoked.

Recent developments show that in fact the overwhelming majority of permits is being revoked!
The list of occupations/reasons for CCW's that have now been determined insufficient include FFL Dealers, People handling large amounts of cash, Real Estate Agents, Doctors with direct access to narcotics and firearms instructors, to name just a few.

The approach that Sandra Hutchens takes is deceiving. Her tone two weeks after being sworn in was quite tame. In an interview on July 8, the new Sheriff stated: "I probably will tighten it [the requirements to qualify for a CCW] up a bit, but probably not as drastically as some people might assume."

On October 7, during her 120-day update, the OCSD released to the media that "To date, no existing license holder has had their permit revoked".

True - several hundred letters had gone out, most of them on the same day. The letters tell the license holders, that "the Department's present intention is to revoke your CCW license [...]".

Her statement that no licenses had been revoked was deceivingly true. As of the day of the hearing, the licenses are technically still valid. However according to the Orange County Register," it seems unlikely that those who are getting the letters won't be revoked."

The Sheriff's own words fortify the newspaper's statement: "Hutchens said the state law is clear that concealed weapons are not legal. Exceptions are just that." This comes from a former LA Sheriff's Deputy - one of the counties that categorically deny permits to carry for the majority of people outside the law enforcement community.

How does Sandra Hutchens justify her actions? Her blog on the OCSD website states: "It's simple - it's the law". I've had a number of Students from northern California who have concealed carry permits. They got them for the very reasons that Hutchens declared to be insufficient. Does that mean that the Sheriff in Placer County is breaking the law?

Fact is that the guidelines that indicate which reasons are good reasons leave room for interpretation. Some Sheriffs listen to the needs of the people in their county and act accordingly. Others ignore those needs and follow their own agenda.

Hutchens justification is a slap in the face for those Sheriffs who grant permits for reasons less stringent than hers. It is also a slap in the face of the people who she has been appointed to keep safe.

Lists of no-longer-valid-reasons can be found online.
I personally know two part-time firearms instructors who received the revocation letter. One part-time FFL that supplies firearms to fellow Suarez International instructors is also a victim of the adjusted qualifying factors.

Both of the instructors teach at one of the last remaining outdoor ranges in the vicinity of Orange County. The road to the training facility winds for a good 30 minutes from leaving the last houses behind to arriving at the range, with no cell-phone coverage in-between. Both of them advertise their schedule on the internet and offer rental firearms to their students.

Sheriff Hutchens' action is basically telling criminals: "Ladies, Gents, every resident of Orange County who was likely to have a CCW will no longer have one."
The consequences are apparent: It is truly possible that armed robberies within Orange County will increase. Focus will almost certainly be people who carry valuables, cash or narcotics. This by itself is bad enough.

If any of the remaining few civilian CCW holders are targeted it is likely that those confrontations will result in casualties. The bad guys will be violent and aggressive to discourage their intended victims from using any of the remaining legal alternatives, such as pepper spray, tasers, knifes or impact weapons. An overwhelming amount of aggression and violence in this situation comes close to mandating the use of lethal force as defense.
I know two of those who did not have their license revoked. They are excellent marksmen and highly trained individuals - there is no doubt in my mind that they will be reacting with full force and win the fight that has been bestowed on them.
I encourage those of our readers who are residents of Orange County or have friends or relatives here who are affected to contact the board of supervisors and complain about Sandra Hutchens actions.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! THE FIVE YEAR PLAN - As listed during the Clinton adminstration...




As listed during the Clinton administration:


1. National Licensing of all handgun purchases.
2. Licenses for Rifle and Shotgun owners.
3. State Licenses for ownership of firearms.
4. Arsenal Licenses (5 guns and 250 rounds of ammunition).
5. Arsenal License Fees (at least $300.00, with a cap of $1,000.00).
6. Limits on Arsenal Licensing (None in counties with populations of more than 200,000).
7. Requirement of Federally Approved Storage Safes for all guns.
8. Inspection License. (Gun safe licenses, yearly fee for spot inspections).
9. Ban on Manufacturing in counties with a population of more than 200,000.
10. Banning all military style firearms.
11. Banning Machine Gun Parts or parts which can be used in a Machine gun.
12. Banning the carrying a firearm anywhere but home or target range or in transit from one to the other.
13. Banning replacement parts (manufacturing, sale, possession, transfer, installation) except barrel, trigger group.
14. Elimination of the Curio Relic list.
15. Control of Ammunition belonging to Certain Surplus Firearms. (7.62x54R and .303).
16. Eventual Ban of Handgun Possession.
17. Banning of Any ammo that fits military guns (post 1945).
18. Banning of any quantity of smokeless powder or black powder which would constitute more than the equivalent of 100 rounds of ammunition.
19. Ban the possession of explosive powders of more than 1 kg. at any one time.
20. Banning of High Powered Ammo or Wounding ammo.
21. A National License for Ammunition.
22. Banning or strict licensing of all re-loading components.
23. National Registration of ammunition or ammo buyers.
24. Requirements of special storage safe for ammunition and licensing.
25. Restricting Gun Ranges to counties with populations less than 200,000.
26. Special Licensing of ranges.
27. Special Range Tax to visitors. ($85.00 per visit per person).
28. Waiting period for rentals on pistol ranges.
29. Banning Gun Shows.
30. Banning of military reenactments.

Ban of all clips/magazines holding over 6 bullets.

Elimination of the Dept. of Civilian Marksmanship.

Ban on all realistic replica and toy guns (including "air soft" and paintball).

The right of gun-violence victims to sue, with financial assistance from government programs, the gun manufacturers.

Taxes on ammo, dealers, guns, licenses to offset medical costs to society.

The eventual ban on all semi-automatics regardless of when made or caliber.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Gun Law Update: Early Brady Plans Revealed

Gun Law Update -- Early Brady Plans Revealed

Push to end all private sales tops list

"Universal background checks for EVERY gun sold in this country."
by Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America

December 1, 2008

[NOTE: Don't forget to recognize and celebrate Bill of Rights Day, Dec. 15; in Phoenix we will be at the Wrigley Mansion starting at 5:30 p.m., you're invited, for details or to RSVP: http://www.gunlaws.com/newstuff.htm

Plenty of gun-ban speculation is flying.

I have this quote direct from Sarah Brady in a letter addressed to me:
"On Election Day, we helped deliver a strong victory for President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice-President-Elect Joe Biden. They will be two of the most powerful allies we have ever had."

This is what Obama meant when he told you to your face that he respects the Second Amendment. He is the acknowledged champion of the anti-rights gun-ban movement.

Most of you already know that phony talk about "gun-show-loopholes" was a smokescreen. Sarah and her team now confirm this. They are planning for: "universal background checks for EVERY gun sold in this country." (Her emphasis, not mine).

Gun shows, she says, are now merely "included" in that plan, this will appear as proposed legislation shortly after inauguration day.

Smart money says it will be fast tracked -- so be sure to join, re-up, or get friends to join gun-rights groups to aid the battle. The pro-rights groups are the main chance to slow it down and re-tool it to whatever extent possible.
Don't wait.

Find your state and national gun-rights groups here: http://www.gunlaws.com/links

For ideas on what one person (that's you pal) can do, http://www.gunlaws.com/Tactics%20That%20Work.htm

The new gun-tracking plan will require somewhat complex legislation, to mix personal or private sales, and transfers between family members, in the centrally managed FBI NICS system for licensed dealers. A mechanism to accomplish that means making government larger and hiring more help.

The rhetoric has now expanded from phony "gun-show loopholes" to a new "deadly loopholes" idea: "We know Obama and Biden share our commitment to closing deadly loopholes in our gun laws."

If there was any doubt amongst the public about Obama's "support" for rights, the Bradys, now that the election is over, express the truth: "The Obama-Biden ticket won convincingly while clearly supporting gun laws." Everyone supports gun laws that disarm violent criminals. The Bradys though are talking about something else -- gun laws that disarm, encumber or infringe on the rights of the innocent. They plan on government tracking of every firearm in private hands.

Campaign talk about making the phony "assault-weapons" ban permanent has morphed into "enact a stronger, comprehensive federal ban on military-style assault weapons." They're drafting it right now (Congress doesn't draft these things, interest groups do and hand it to them on platters).

The only thing that could be "stronger" than Clinton's total ban on the sale of new products would be to go after existing firearms in civilian hands, which Clinton left alone. That would require contrabanding, outright confiscations or at a minimum, registration schemes. We'll have to wait for the bill to drop to see what they plan.

"Comprehensive," and "military-style" seem like code words for "more guns banned," far greater lists and categories than Clinton was able to get enacted. Normal capacity magazines like police use will undoubtedly be included, and if the past is prologue, the lists of guns will include standard household firearms the public has safely owned for decades, with little concern for criminals who misuse firearms (already strictly illegal and widely unenforced). Never forget -- "assault" is a type of behavior, not a type of hardware.

I've said it before and it bears repeating. If the Bradys get Obama to go after CRIMINAL MISUSE of firearms, they'll have widespread support from NRA types and the marksmanship community as a whole. If they instead go after private property the community already peaceably owns, they'll meet outraged resistance.

Sarah Brady is asking Obama to "close the deadly holes in our current laws that allow terrorists to buy guns." This is a solution in search of a problem, since terrorists already can't legally buy guns. Brady president Paul Helmke talks instead of blocking "suspected terrorists." That could mean anyone.

It's a back door way to vastly expand the NICS Index -- the list of prohibited possessors that reportedly includes more than ten million Americans. Once you're on, it can be next to impossible to get off, so making it larger serves the goal of the gun banners wonderfully. Many (but not all) currently in the NICS index are violent felons and other low-lifes who belong there.

It's not completely clear who they'd like to add, but in the past, an effort was made to grant arbitrary authority to the Attorney General (READ: ERIK HOLDER- REMEMBER THE LAST BLOG ABOUT HIM? ANTI-GUN ATTORNEY GENRAL?) to add names to terrorism "watch lists." This would prevent those people from air travel and place other restrictions on civil liberties. Sort of like Guantanamo detainees without the need to be caught shooting at Americans on a battlefield. Anyone on that list would be automatically banned by a NICS check, and those checks would no longer be limited to retail purchases from dealers.

FYI, if you're placed on the NICS list, it suggests you're a prohibited possessor whether you are or not, so any guns or ammo you already own or even touch could then constitute a felony. To a zealous cop or judge, a NICS listing might require you to prove your innocence, a nightmare of legal problems. That list should be scrupulously accurate and easily corrected, tasks government is known to do worse, than their "management" of the economy.

Just for the record, any actual terrorist is totally banned from buying or having guns in this country, but they could hardly care less about lists kept in West Virginia by the FBI. Terrorist by definition means "We smuggle weapons you can't even get, easier than you can buy a bag of cocaine in any America city.

"An aside -- these "terrorists" (generally a code name for radical muslims) are determined to kill and blow up everything they can, and they prove it around the world constantly, you needn't take my word for it. They haven't done it here since 9/11 for one main reason -- President Bush, although hampered with constant attacks in the media (which have now swayed large swaths of the public) has been killing them off as fast as he can, before they can strike us here. He may take a lot of flack, and be looked down upon by many, but he just may be remembered as one of the greatest presidents we have ever had the luck to have. Please don't write to complain to me about that. I'm just noting that the muslims are killing everywhere but here, and president Bush is leading that charge.

What's the bumper sticker? "Saving your butt, like it or not."
OK, so he says he doesn't read a lot, that's another discussion.

Sarah (Brady, not Palin) included one bald deception in her message by saying "we achieved a major victory when the first federal gun law in over twelve years passed." She refers to the NICS improvement act, for which both the Bradys and NRA took credit. It expands the NICS index by helping states add nut cases (the non-technical description) to the list (a rule Brady rightly applauds). It also lets falsely accused or no-longer-ineligible people get off the list, which you couldn't do previously (a rule NRA rightly applauds).

The 12-year part is laughably inaccurate, but no one expects the media to point out the lie so I will, for just this century, including:

--The PATRIOT Act (which redundantly disarms terrorists and broadens the definition of who the government can label and treat as a terrorist);

--The Aviation and Transportation Security Act (which arms passenger pilots and eventually cargo pilots);

--The Homeland Security Act (which arms all sorts of new federal agents);

--The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (HR218, which arms retired, off-duty and traveling police officers of every description across all state lines, exactly what the Second Amendment is supposed to but no longer protects for the public);

--The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act (which protects firearm manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits);

--The Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act (which stops authorities from gun confiscations after storms and disasters like Katrina);

--And that's just the bigger ones in the past eight years.

What hasn't been passed "after eight long years of watching the gun lobby run loose in the halls of power" (her words) was a single federal law that directly improved the rights of gun owners in their normal every day lives. Not one.

Authorities got armed and protected. Manufacturers got protected. Cured or falsely accused nut cases got a redress of grievances. Storm-disaster victims got something. But your routine human right to carry, right to defend yourself, right to travel armed, right to shop away from home, right to get a gun from your dad or brother in another state, right to get a tax break for going to the range, or for teaching your kids how to shoot safely -- no laws like that passed through Congress in all those years. What a lost opportunity while we ran loose in the halls of power. If only we had some of these laws: http://www.gunlaws.com/sunshin.htm

Sworn to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution, Congress has done nothing of the sort when it comes to your Second Amendment rights.

That's a national disgrace, and it will be sorely felt when Brady and her evil cohorts savagely attack what rights you have remaining.

Suggestions for action --

1 - ALERT your local marksmanship clubs and fellow marksman by emailing them this Gun Law Update;

2 - DECIDE to go to lunch or dinner the week of January 12 before inauguration day at any decent restaurant near you (just pick a date and place and tell everyone to go there);

3 - AGREE together -- in person -- to get the word out and show up at your state capital and other high profile spots when infringements to your right to keep and bear arms are assaulted. Agree to face up to people who disrespect your rights and do harm to the precious and sacred Constitution of the United States of America.

More details when they arrive.

Crass commercial message from an unabashed capitalist free-marketeer --
books make excellent gifts, help us continue our work and do some good Christmas shopping with us. New gun owners need the rules, long-time gun owners need new tactics and strategies, the politically correct need correction, and everyone needs a little extra safety, preparedness and a good read or two. http://www.gunlaws.com/books.htm

It's a particularly good time to consider the Founders Package --
the books our Founding Fathers read and wrote.

Alan Korwin Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440 Scottsdale, AZ 85254
602-996-4020 Phone
1-800-707-4020 Orders

Call, write, fax or click for free full-color catalog

> http://www.gunlaws.com/Left-wing%20Gun%20Plan.htm

As listed during the Clinton administration:
1. National Licensing of all handgun purchases.
2. Licenses for Rifle and Shotgun owners.
3. State Licenses for ownership of firearms.
4. Arsenal Licenses (5 guns and 250 rounds of ammunition).
5. Arsenal License Fees (at least $300.00, with a cap of $1,000.00).
6. Limits on Arsenal Licensing (None in counties with populations of more than 200,000).
7. Requirement of Federally Approved Storage Safes for all guns.
8. Inspection License. (Gun safe licenses, yearly fee for spot inspections).
9. Ban on Manufacturing in counties with a population of more than 200,000.
10. Banning all military style firearms.
11. Banning Machine Gun Parts or parts which can be used in a Machine gun.
12. Banning the carrying a firearm anywhere but home or target range or in transit from one to the other.
13. Banning replacement parts (manufacturing, sale, possession, transfer, installation) except barrel, trigger group.
14. Elimination of the Curio Relic list.
15. Control of Ammunition belonging to Certain Surplus Firearms. (7.62x54R and .303).
16. Eventual Ban of Handgun Possession.
17. Banning of Any ammo that fits military guns (post 1945).
18. Banning of any quantity of smokeless powder or black powder which would constitute more than the equivalent of 100 rounds of ammunition.
19. Ban the possession of explosive powders of more than 1 kg. at any one> time.
20. Banning of High Powered Ammo or Wounding ammo.
21. A National License for Ammunition.
22. Banning or strict licensing of all re-loading components.
23. National Registration of ammunition or ammo buyers.
24. Requirements of special storage safe for ammunition and licensing.
25. Restricting Gun Ranges to counties with populations less than> 200,000.
26. Special Licensing of ranges.
27. Special Range Tax to visitors. ($85.00 per visit per person).
28. Waiting period for rentals on pistol ranges.
29. Banning Gun Shows.
30. Banning of military reenactments.

Ban of all clips/magazines holding over 6 bullets.
Elimination of the Dept. of Civilian Marksmanship.
Ban on all realistic replica and toy guns (including "air soft" and paintball).
The right of gun-violence victims to sue, with financial assistance from government programs, the gun manufacturers.
Taxes on ammo, dealers, guns, licenses to offset medical costs to society.
The eventual ban on all semi-automatics regardless of when made or caliber.
To own your own copy of "The Arizona Gun Owners Guide", just contact
http://www.ArizonaPersonalProtection.com !

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Phantom Terrorists & Attorney General nominee Eric Holder

Eric Holder and the Phantom Terrorists at U.S. Gun Shows

The fact that Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners is not a surprise. What may be a surprise, and worthy of examination at his confirmation hearing, is Holder's post-9/11 contention that a pressing threat to our national security is terrorists shopping for weapons at U.S. gun shows.

In an op-ed from October 2001, Holder cited the 9/11 attacks as a reason to enact tighter gun control provisions:
In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the nation is eager for ways to increase security at home — and understandably so. These unspeakable crimes have taken thousands of innocent lives, devastated countless families and made us feel a new and terrible kind of vulnerability. Throughout the country, people are having the same conversations: How could this happen? How do we cope with it? And what can we do, as a nation and as individuals, to safeguard against further acts of terrorism?
If the recent increase in firearms sales is attributable to people who may lawfully purchase firearms, that is the decision of the individual and not a matter that should be the subject of government oversight. If, on the other hand, any firearm purchased in this country falls into the hands of a terrorist because no background check was done, that is another national tragedy waiting to happen.

In his op-ed, Holder claimed there were "numerous and chilling" examples of gun shows putting arms in the hands of terrorists, and specified two. The first was Conor Claxton, who Holder wrote was "smuggling guns and other weapons from the state for use by the Provisional Irish Republican Army." Claxton was indeed convicted of weapons smuggling, but was acquitted on the charges of attempting to supply arms to terrorists. And for what it is worth, the IRA claimed they had not sent Claxton to obtain the arms. In the eyes of the law, he was your basic gun smuggler — a criminal, to be sure, but not a terrorist.

The second example cited by Holder was Ali Boumelhem, who, in his description, "went to a Michigan gun show, where he was legally exempt from a background check, and purchased assault weapons, shotguns, ammunition and flash suppressors that he intended to ship to the terrorist group Hezbollah."
NRO contributor Dave Kopel pointed out that while some of what Boumelhem was accused of smuggling could have been obtained at a gun show, the FBI informant's description of "automatic weapons, explosives, grenades and rocket launchers" are certainly not. Kopel observed, "it appears that Boumelhem had some source unrelated to gun shows from which he obtained very powerful weapons." Kopel noted that Boumelhem was already a convicted felon and unable to make the purchases, so he brought his brother to gun shows, to make "straw purchases." Background checks like the one Holder was calling for would not have stopped the straw purchases, since the straw purchaser (the surrogate for the real buyer) is chosen because he has a clean record.

Beyond that, if any member of al-Qaeda had ever bought a gun at an American gun show, we would have heard about it, endlessly. The fact that these two are the only examples citable out of the millions of transactions at gun shows over the past decades suggests that on the list of threats to U.S. national security, the probability of a terrorist buying a firearm at a gun show ranks just above an invasion from Mars.

It is revealing that in the aftermath of two terrifying terror attacks — one involving boxcutters and hijacked planes, the other involving anthrax — that the first instinct of Holder was to make it harder to purchase a gun. As the nation was beset by real threats, he decried the fake one.

Another fun question for the confirmation hearing: What did then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder think when Bill Clinton convened a meeting in 1999 "to prepare an all-out offensive on guns in the coming year"? Did he feel that "an all-out offensive on guns" was in keeping with the Second Amendment?
By Jim Geraghty of the National Review Online 11/19 05:57 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Our next classes are now being scheduled:

We still have room in the upcoming 2 CCW classes on Monday Dec 1st & Saturday Dec 13.
Our next Basic classes will be Friday Dec 12 & Sunday Dec 14

Classes will be held in Maricopa, AZ.
The class hours are 9:00-5:30 (apx).

Class size is limited. Call now to reserve your seat! Feel free to bring a sack lunch and some beverages to drink. Restaurants are close by.

A $20.00 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of registration. Your deposit will be applied to your class fees. In the unforseen possibility the class is cancelled by Arizona Personal Protection, your deposit will be refunded.

Sorry, no personal checks.
Cash (preferred), money order or cashiers check only.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


How to clean a semi-automatic gun
Includes several good tips on handgun care.
Cleaning your handgun is one of the most basic and essential parts of owning a handgun. With regular cleaning and care, a quality semiautomatic pistol will last for many years.

The first step in cleaning your semiautomatic pistol is to purchase a cleaning kit. These are available at most sporting goods stores and anywhere firearms accessories are sold. Kits are available for specific firearms, or specially designed for certain types of firearms (i.e. rifles, pistols, shotguns, etc.), but usually the best value is to purchase a Universal Cleaning kit – especially if you have more than one firearm. These kits are designed for use on almost any type of modern firearm. They come equipped with a cleaning rod, cleaning solvent, oil, cleaning patches, and “end rod accessories” (used to hold the patches on the end of the rod). In addition to these tools, an old toothbrush and plenty of old rags are also very helpful.

To begin, choose a workspace in a well-ventilated area. You will need a surface on which to work - a desk, workbench, or tabletop work well for this. Spread a large cloth over the work surface in order to protect both it and your pistol. Lay out all of your cleaning equipment and your pistol.

Now is the time to make sure your pistol is absolutely, with out a doubt, UNLOADED. This is definitely the most important step of cleaning your pistol.

Once you have made sure your semiautomatic is unloaded, begin disassembling it. Since there are almost as many different ways to disassemble a semiautomatic as there are semiautomatics, it is not possible to list here the steps of how to disassemble your pistol. To do this, reference your owner’s manual. It should have detailed instructions on disassembly.

Once disassembled, your pistol should be in four main parts: the frame, the slide, the barrel, and the magazine. Most semiautomatics will also have a slide guide rod and a spring. It is not necessary and, in most instances, not recommended to disassemble the handgun any further.

Take the toothbrush and dip it into the cleaning solvent. Use it to scrub the inside of the frame, the ends of the barrel, and all the other internal parts. Use a rag to remove the loosened fouling and the solvent.

Next, choose the proper end rod accessory, attach it to the rod, and insert a cleaning patch into it. The proper end rod accessory is usually the largest one that will easily fit into the barrel. Saturate the patch with cleaning solvent and push it slowly through the barrel. Once it comes out the other end, remove the patch.* Wipe the rod clean with a rag and insert a new patch. Saturate the patch with solvent and use it to swab the inside of the barrel back and forth a few times. Again, remove the patch and wipe the rod clean with a rag. Insert a third patch and push it through the barrel without any solvent. Repeat this process until a dry patch comes out clean.

*Note: For an exceptionally dirty barrel, push a solvent saturated patch through the barrel and allow the solvent to sit for several minutes. It will help to loosen the fouling.

Once a dry patch comes out clean, saturate a new patch with oil and slowly slide it through the barrel.

Finally, apply a very small amount of oil to all moving parts of the handgun. Reassemble the pistol and inspect it to make sure it is clean and working properly. Work the action several times to make sure it is reassembled correctly. Store your handgun in a locked container located in a cool, dry place. It is also recommended to store your handgun unloaded and separate from tha ammunition (unless it is used for personal protection).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

AZ CCW Family & Personal Protection

CCW - Family & Personal Protection

Your family is the most important part of your life. You would do anything to protect them from harm. You keep a first aid kit and fire extinguishers to help protect them. You don't think you are a doctor or a firefighter, but you know that if something happens you will be there first. What about violent crime? It happens too. Are you prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones?

There are many levels of protection and here at Family & Personal Protection Training, we will teach you some basic, easy methods to protect your family & yourself.

A handgun has often been called The Great Equalizer because it doesn't matter if you are a small child, a man, a woman or even a senior citizen - they all can shoot a handgun with equal ability. We can teach you about safely handing handguns in our Basic Handgun Safety course. We then can take your training to the next level and can teach you what it takes to legally carry a handgun to protect your family & yourself in our Concealed Carry Course (AZ CCW). At the end of you class, all you need to do is drop your payment to AZ DPS in the envelope provided. Your permit should arrive in about 2-6 weeks.

Sometimes carrying a handgun is not legal or practical, and for whatever reason, a person may have objections to using LETHAL FORCE.

For those people we offer TASER (LESS THEN LETHAL) instruction. TASER temporarily incapacitates your attacker, allowing the victim the opportunity to run away form the danger and go to a safer location.

We also offer you the ability to learn some methods to protect your family and yourself in our BASIC UNARMED DEFENSE course, again allowing the victim the opportunity to run away form the danger and go to a safer location.

The four standard courses are offered to families and individuals in the privacy of their own homes. We also offer custom courses and private counseling.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wrigley Mansion Bill of Rights Day Party!

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day at the Wrigley Mansion!

National event at historic Phoenix landmark, Mon. eve. Dec. 15
Celebrate Bill of Rights Day at the Wrigley Mansion!
Monday eve. Dec. 15, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Everyone’s invited but seating is limited, YOU MUST RSVP to attend

WHEN: Monday, Dec. 15, 2008, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Wrigley Mansion, http://www.wrigleymansionclub.com
2501 E. Telawa Trail; Phoenix, AZ, 602-955-4079

WHY: Spend a little time enjoying what makes America great, and celebrate your rights. Join people nationwide who will break bread with their neighbors, and as a group read the Bill of Rights, on the day it was ratified in 1791.
This year we have the distinct honor of holding the Phoenix event at one of the most spectacular sites in the state -- the exquisite Wrigley Mansion.
We will read the original Bill of Rights out loud from a parchment copy, and then jointly discuss its health in town-hall style. Is it working? Are our rights intact? What are the threats to the precious rights we hold dear? What are the prospects for the future?

This is the sixth year in a row that Arizonans have gathered to recognize and honor one of the most important documents ever created. Join us.

You will remember this experience for a long time to come.

The Wrigley Mansion is honored and delighted to provide the use of its Garden Terrace Room for this special event.

"Resort casual" or business attire (no jeans or shorts please)

5:30 p.m.
Doors open, mix and mingle
Self-guided tours of the Mansion (built from 1929 to 1931),may be available depending on their schedule.
Cash bar, and an enticing spread of light appetizers

6:30 p.m.
Call to order
Welcome and speechifying
Remarks by "Patrick Henry" (portrayed by Dr. Lance Hurley)

7:00 p.m.
Solemn reading of the Bill of Rights, from a parchment copy
Roundtable discussion of its health, and prospects for the future
Time to network and chat, bar remains open

8:30 p.m.
Event concludes

By special arrangement, attendance is only $15, payable at the door. Students with ID $10.

If you've never been to Wrigley Mansion, don't miss this chance. It is TRULY amazing.

This is a golden opportunity to visit a magnificent Phoenix landmark, while celebrating a tradition that changed planet Earth.

You MUST RSVP to attend. Space is limited.
There is still space available, RSVP to secure your place.
Double click to RSVP:
mailto: book@bloomfieldpress.com
**Please indicate if additional guests will be joining you

(If link doesn't work for you, reply to: book@bloomfieldpress.com

Special passes for news media personnel contact Jill Johnson, 602-553-7382.

Use the website to get detailed directions and map. http://www.wrigleymansionclub.com

The Mansion is tucked away on a secluded hilltop in central Phoenix:
From 24th St., head E. on Arizona Biltmore Circle (which is 1/2 mi. S. of Lincoln Dr. or just over 1 mi. N. of Camelback Rd.); Take the second right turn into the National Bank of Arizona parking lot. Continue past the bank and over the white canal bridge.

Parking choices -- Once you're over the small bridge:
1 - turn right to the free lower lot OR;
2 - turn left, then right into the free middle lot OR;
3 - turn left then make the second right and drive up to the Mansion.

The Garden Terrace Room is halfway up the hill, look for the red tile reception area on your left. Valet parking is there for $5. For a spectacular view, drive to the top cul-de-sac, and then head back down to the Valet or lots. Note -- You may find it a bit bewildering, as most hilltop mansions are, have faith, you'll arrive. http://tinyurl.com/49jalk

Are you already occupied or too far away to join us? Hold your own event! Gather with friends on Mon., Dec. 15, morning noon or night, and read the Bill of Rights -- aloud. It's a magical moment, as the words sing out. Take time in your busy schedule to enjoy this reflective pause, and recount the tremendous values these freedoms have brought to you, your family and the world.

Honor your American heritage, help set an example for the planet.
All of the Bill of Rights for all of the people.

Read all the details online here:

Download a one-page flier you can copy and circulate:

Contact: Alan Korwin, Publisher Bloomfield Press
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440 Scottsdale, AZ 85254
602-996-4020, Fax 602-494-0679, 1-800-707-4020


If you can’t make our event in Phoenix, arrange your own
--Details here, with a review of the event at the Goldwater Institute:

Contact Us

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding our classes or products.

Private personalized instruction is available, on YOUR schedule!

Place your preferred methods of contact here.

If you prefer e-mail contact, use only the Contact Us Module on this page:

Arizona Personal Protection
Bus number: 520.424.5191
480.251.8084Fax number: 520.568.0179E-mail address: Info@ArizonaPersonalProtection.com

* First name (required):
* Last name (required):
* E-mail address (required):
* Phone number:
* Message (required):I want to receive newsletters, updates, and special offers


Hand to Hand Self Defense (Martial Arts)

(Private, discrete instruction is available, on YOUR shedule!)

Learn techniques that will help you plan for a potential attack. Planning is the key to survival and this class will give women the mental and physical tools necessary to make appropriate and expedient decisions in the time of adrenaline and emotion. This class is suitable for ages 12 and up. Avoidance and awareness are key to this program but in the event you cannot avoid an attack, you need to know how to defend yourself.

A portion of this class is hands on, comfortable clothing is suggested.

"Martial Art" is a broad term encompassing the many styles of physical discipline (fighting) arts that have been developed over the centuries. To say it is just self-defense would be to lose most of the valuable ideas and philosophy behind this ancient art.
These disciplines and levels within the disciplines are part of a fully-integrated curriculum, in which everything a student learns reinforces everything else. YOUR INSTRUCTORS ARE MEMBERS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS!
Each Instructor is a graduate of an instructor program that represents many years of research and development.

The ATA and its affiliated organizations help build a strong foundation of Songahm Taekwondo in each of its members, a foundation from which advancement in both the martial art (mind and body) and in self defense can be built and added on to in perpetuity.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gun Control does NOT control crime!"

Gun Control does NOT control crime!"


"Guns SAVE Lives. We DO NOT support gun control.
Gun Control does NOT control crime!"

There's just not a cop on every corner when you need one, so we teach people how to protect & defend themselves and those they love. Private discrete instruction available on YOUR schedule.
Basic Handgun and Concealed Weapons Training (CCW)
Arizona Personal Protection instructors are Certified NRA Instructors and are Certified by the State of Arizona as CCW (Concealed Carry) Instructors.

For your convenience, our Instructors will travel TO YOU!

(Private, discrete, one on one instruction is available, on YOUR schedule!)

CCW EligibilityApplicants must:
• be a resident of this state or a United States citizen;
• be 21 years of age or older;
• not be under indictment for and not been convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony;
• not suffer from mental illness and been adjudicated mentally incompetent or committed to a mental institution;
• not be unlawfully present in the United States;
• satisfactorily complete 8 hour firearms safety training program approved by the department of public safety pursuant to ARS §13-3112.O

Welcome to the Arizona Personal Protection website!

Welcome to the Arizona Personal Protection website!

Unfortunately, in todays world, we sometimes wish there were a cop on every corner! But they aren't...

The sad truth is, sometimes, they just can't get to you in time...

That's where we come in! Arizona Personal Protection will teach self-reliance and confidence!Your convenience and comfor is important to us. Our instructors will come to you and teach on your schedule!

We also offer reduced rates for groups.

The BIG question people have asked..."Aly, why in the world do YOU need to carry a gun??"

Has anyone ever asked you that question? It's a question I've had asked of me several times when a person finds out that I carry.

You know what my usual response to that question is?"Why do YOU need to wear a seatbelt?"

I don't blame people who can't understand the desire to carry a gun -

I do however believe it takes a person who has things... ummm... shall we say, figured out... to carry a gun.

Those who don't understand simply don't have a grasp on reality - at least not to the extent that we do...

I don't LIVE in fear. I don't DRIVE in fear. I live, and drive cautiously, because I have seen cars on the side of the road smashed to pieces.

The same goes for concealed carry!

Alyssa PetersenInstructor/Owner

Friday, November 21, 2008

BARACK OBAMA'S Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners!

Gun Law Update:
Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners!

Eric Holder and the Phantom Terrorists at U.S. Gun Shows

The fact that Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners is not a surprise. What may be a surprise, and worthy of examination at his confirmation hearing, is Holder's post-9/11 contention that a pressing threat to our national security is terrorists shopping for weapons at U.S. gun shows.

In an op-ed from October 2001, Holder cited the 9/11 attacks as a reason to enact tighter gun control provisions:
In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the nation is eager for ways to increase security at home — and understandably so. These unspeakable crimes have taken thousands of innocent lives, devastated countless families and made us feel a new and terrible kind of vulnerability. Throughout the country, people are having the same conversations: How could this happen? How do we cope with it? And what can we do, as a nation and as individuals, to safeguard against further acts of terrorism?
If the recent increase in firearms sales is attributable to people who may lawfully purchase firearms, that is the decision of the individual and not a matter that should be the subject of government oversight. If, on the other hand, any firearm purchased in this country falls into the hands of a terrorist because no background check was done, that is another national tragedy waiting to happen.

In his op-ed, Holder claimed there were "numerous and chilling" examples of gun shows putting arms in the hands of terrorists, and specified two. The first was Conor Claxton, who Holder wrote was "smuggling guns and other weapons from the state for use by the Provisional Irish Republican Army." Claxton was indeed convicted of weapons smuggling, but was acquitted on the charges of attempting to supply arms to terrorists. And for what it is worth, the IRA claimed they had not sent Claxton to obtain the arms. In the eyes of the law, he was your basic gun smuggler — a criminal, to be sure, but not a terrorist.

The second example cited by Holder was Ali Boumelhem, who, in his description, "went to a Michigan gun show, where he was legally exempt from a background check, and purchased assault weapons, shotguns, ammunition and flash suppressors that he intended to ship to the terrorist group Hezbollah."
NRO contributor Dave Kopel pointed out that while some of what Boumelhem was accused of smuggling could have been obtained at a gun show, the FBI informant's description of "automatic weapons, explosives, grenades and rocket launchers" are certainly not. Kopel observed, "it appears that Boumelhem had some source unrelated to gun shows from which he obtained very powerful weapons." Kopel noted that Boumelhem was already a convicted felon and unable to make the purchases, so he brought his brother to gun shows, to make "straw purchases." Background checks like the one Holder was calling for would not have stopped the straw purchases, since the straw purchaser (the surrogate for the real buyer) is chosen because he has a clean record.

Beyond that, if any member of al-Qaeda had ever bought a gun at an American gun show, we would have heard about it, endlessly. The fact that these two are the only examples citable out of the millions of transactions at gun shows over the past decades suggests that on the list of threats to U.S. national security, the probability of a terrorist buying a firearm at a gun show ranks just above an invasion from Mars.

It is revealing that in the aftermath of two terrifying terror attacks — one involving boxcutters and hijacked planes, the other involving anthrax — that the first instinct of Holder was to make it harder to purchase a gun. As the nation was beset by real threats, he decried the fake one.

Another fun question for the confirmation hearing: What did then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder think when Bill Clinton convened a meeting in 1999 "to prepare an all-out offensive on guns in the coming year"? Did he feel that "an all-out offensive on guns" was in keeping with the Second Amendment?

By Jim Geraghty of the National Review Online 11/19 05:57

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Gun Law Update: Brady Backs Barack
Anti-Gun-Rights Candidate Could Gut "DC/Heller" Decision

> Full contact info at end
> > > Gun Law Update: Brady Backs Barack
> > Will Anti-Gun Group's Endorsement Help Or Hurt?
> > Anti-Gun-Rights Candidate Could Gut "Washington DC/Heller" Decision
> >Now that Barack Obama has received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign
gun-control group, will the Supreme Court's findings in the D.C. gun-ban "Heller" case matter?
> >That's the question experts are asking in the wake of Obama's 11th-hour support from America's leading gun-ban advocates. The late-date endorsement was conspicuously absent
from most large news outlets. Those groups have repeatedly claimed that anti-gun-rights agendas were a key issue in the Democrat election defeats of 2000 and 2004.
> >"Obama publicly supported Washington D.C.'s total gun ban until the Supreme Court's 'Heller' case voided it," says Alan Korwin, co-author of "The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed," which was just released (see below for news-media review copies). "His opposition to gun rights is well known and carefully documented in the new book," he said. Obama swiftly reversed his position after the High Court found that gun rights belong to individuals, a point also documented in the new book.
>>"Before the ban was overturned, Mr. Obama supported the position of the Court's dissenters-- that gun bans are fine and the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights does not protect people, it protects 'collective rights" of states," Korwin notes. That position had little to support it in the historical record, but was favored by people seeking to ban firearms from public hands. The "collective rights" theory, a recent creation, was dismissed with ridicule by the Court (equating it to Alice in Wonderland). The Amendment itself speaks of "the security of a free state," and "the right of the people."
> >As the first book released about the landmark gun-rights decision, "The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed" describes the events leading up to the case, and precisely what the Court said, word-for-word and in plain English. If Obama follows the Court's decree, the civil rights of the
general public should be fairly well safeguarded with respect to owning and using firearms.
> >If he instead follows the lead of his endorsers in the Brady Campaign, gun rights as America has known them for more than two centuries could easily end. His campaign positions so far suggest the latter, if he is elected. His widely available voting record is 100% consistent -- voting for every restriction on law-abiding gun use, and against every proposed protection for innocent individuals.
> >Virtually all recent gun-law proposals fall into those two categories -- bans on honest ownership and rights, or support for honest ownership and rights. New laws targeting criminals are rare, since every imaginable criminal activity with guns is already against the law and carries severe penalties.
> >The only thing left, according to leading experts, is to ban guns for non-criminals, a policy choice adopted in some circles. Gun bans on criminals have had embarrassingly little effect on street gangs, the drug war and career criminals in general. Facing abject failure of crime-related
social policies, and unable to disarm criminals, many politicians are turning instead to civil-disarmament schemes. Working against this trend, "Disarm Criminals First" says one campaign slogan in the Marksmanship Movement.
> >The three publicly announced elements of the Brady-Obama anti-gun positions include:
1- Ban the freedom to sell firearms from one innocent person to another, euphemistically called the "gun-show loophole";
2- Allow all law enforcement officers to fish through gun-dealer records looking for paperwork or other violations, and compile data as they see fit, euphemistically known as "repealing the Tiahart Amendment" (which prevents them from doing so currently);
3- permanently ban an enormous list of perfectly legal firearms and accessories based on looks, names and operating characteristics, euphemistically called an "assault-weapons ban."
> >First, knowledgeable observers know assault is a type of behavior, not a type of hardware, plus the ban seeks to outlaw all semiautomatic firearms. Second, it's already completely illegal for criminals to buy firearms under any circumstances, so the proposed private-sale ban would only affect innocent citizens. And third, the Tiahart Amendment protects the innocent from government registries and abuse, so all three proposals, as noted above, have virtually no effect on stopping crime, but do crush freedoms Americans currently enjoy.
> >A long wish list of other gun-freedom repeals have been previously announced by Brady, Obama and their supporters, but have not shown up in the candidate's platform yet. See some of them here:
> > and many more here:
>> including (as listed during the Clinton administration):
1. National Licensing of all handgun purchases.
2. Licenses for Rifle and Shotgun owners.
3. State Licenses for ownership of firearms.
4. Arsenal Licenses (5 guns and 250 rounds of ammunition).
5. Arsenal License Fees (at least $300.00, with a cap of $1,000.00).
6. Limits on Arsenal Licensing (None in counties with populations of more than 200,000).
7. Requirement of Federally Approved Storage Safes for all guns.
8. Inspection License. (Gun safe licenses, yearly fee for spot inspections).
9. Ban on Manufacturing in counties with a population of more than 200,000.
10. Banning all military style firearms.
11. Banning Machine Gun Parts or parts which can be used in a Machine gun.
12. Banning the carrying a firearm anywhere but home or target range or in transit from one to
the other.
13. Banning replacement parts (manufacturing, sale, possession, transfer, installation) except
barrel, trigger group.
14. Elimination of the Curio Relic list.
15. Control of Ammunition belonging to Certain Surplus Firearms. (7.62x54R and .303).
16. Eventual Ban of Handgun Possession.
17. Banning of Any ammo that fits military guns (post 1945).
18. Banning of any quantity of smokeless powder or black powder which would constitute more
than the equivalent of 100 rounds of ammunition.
19. Ban the possession of explosive powders of more than 1 kg. at any one time.
20. Banning of High Powered Ammo or Wounding ammo.
21. A National License for Ammunition.
22. Banning or strict licensing of all re-loading components.
23. National Registration of ammunition or ammo buyers.
24. Requirements of special storage safe for ammunition and licensing.
25. Restricting Gun Ranges to counties with populations less than 200,000.
26. Special Licensing of ranges.
27. Special Range Tax to visitors. ($85.00 per visit per person).
28. Waiting period for rentals on pistol ranges.
29. Banning Gun Shows.
30. Banning of military reenactments.
Ban of all clips holding over 6 bullets.
Elimination of the Dept. of Civilian Marksmanship.
Ban on all realistic replica and toy guns (including "air soft" and paintball).
The right of gun-violence victims to sue, with financial assistance from government programs, the gun manufacturers.
Taxes on ammo, dealers, guns, licenses to offset medical costs to society.
The eventual ban on all semi-automatics regardless of when made or caliber.
To own your own copy of "The Arizona Gun Owners Guide",
just contact Arizona Personal Protection!
Background on the writer:
Phoenix-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website, gunlaws.com, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related books and DVDs. "Gun Laws of America" for news-media review is available on request, call 1-800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and position papers.
As we always say, "It doesn't make sense to own a gun and not know the rules."
> Alan Korwin
> Bloomfield Press
> "We publish the gun laws."
> 4848 E. Cactus, #505-440
> Scottsdale, AZ 85254
> 602-996-4020 Phone> 602-494-0679 Fax
> 1-800-707-4020 Orders
> Call, write, fax or click for free full-color catalog
> (This is our address and info as of Jan. 1, 2007)
Every American should have at least a working knowledge of gun safety. "No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
--Edmund Burke


Fear paralyzes people from responding to crime.
Deal with your fear before you encounter violence.

Arizona Personal Protection Instructors will give you the training and the confidence you need to come out of an intense, dangerous situation intact and alive!
Fear is a natural response to a threat. Your body's natural mechanism for controlling fear is adrenaline. If unanticipated, this strong natural chemical can cause a person to freeze.

Even the best physically-trained can freeze in an encounter with crime. That is because mental preparedness to violence is typically not taught or trained.

It only takes a few seconds of concentrated effort to react effectively.

This is the correct response to fear:
• Focus on survival
• Have a Combat Mindset
• Confidence from Training
• Expect to be injured

Focus on Survival
The primary outcome is to survive.
Focus your thoughts and energies toward doing whatever it takes to survive. Do not worry about what the criminal will be doing. Think about what you can do to get out of the situation. Do not let them move you to a second location, as isolation will provide them time and freedom to do their worst.

Combat Mindset
Adopt the combat mindset. Commit to the primary objective of survival, it will determine everything else you will do and the ultimate outcome.

According to author Jerry VanCook, successfully defending yourself is the result of approximately 99% psychological and 1 percent training. Focus on your primary objective: survival.

The combat mindset is more important than polished technique. When faced with attack, act immediately and try to escape the situation.
Do not let anything get in your way of survival. Never, NEVER give up!

The essential components of the Combat mindset are:
Mental and physical toughness means being absolutely ruthless about your defense. You act without compassion, pity, or mercy against the attacker who wants to violate you. You become an “animal,” propelled by indignant rage.
You MUST have the willingness to injure or kill if necessary to preserve your life.

>Immediate Response
Respond immediately with the appropriate level of force. Stop the attack and escape. A soldier does not wait, as the advantage is the surprise of instant and direct offense. Most criminals expect their victims to be in fear and comply.
Do the opposite and resist quickly and forcefully.

Stay focused and single-minded on your goal of surviving. Be persistent and continue to respond if first response is not effective.
Commit to your goal of survival and let nothing get in your way.
The combat mindset, or mental development, must progress along with training. Without some balance, you either are overly confident and cannot execute the response, or are extremely skilled but mentally unable to carry out your techniques.

Direct your natural response, fear, into primal rage against the attacker. Be outraged - how dare they attempt to violate you! No way will you allow them to hurt you! Summon up your strength and courage to get through it alive!

Confidence Gained by Training
Training into muscle memory your physical responses ensures automatic responses to attacks. To make training even more effective, induce adrenaline so that you know what it will feel like in the face of fear and still perform physical techniques. Knowing what to do removes anxiety and uncertainty. Prepare by using the mental scenario-based training called mindsetting. Simply, determine likely scenarios of violence, getting ideas from the news. Then discuss with friends and/or family how you would respond. The process of discussing with someone else could reveal approaches that you may not have thought of. Then visualize yourself in the situation and respond with the approach you discussed. Do this several times during idle times of your day (at stoplight, waiting in line, etc.) to burn it into memory.

Expect to be Injured
Being afraid of being shot, cut, bruised, broken causes a delay in response as you worry about the consequences. The reality is, you will likely be hurt or injured. However, survival with injury is far more desirable than being dead.

Act with the knowledge that you will be hurt.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


There's just not a cop on every corner when you need one, so we teach people how to protect & defend themselves and those they love. Private discrete instruction available on YOUR schedule.

Arizona Personal Protection instructors are Certified NRA Instructors and are Certified by the State of Arizona as CCW (Concealed Carry) Instructors.

(Private, discrete instruction is available, on YOUR schedule!)

This class stresses handgun safety and marksmanship and is designed for first time shooters or those who have been away from firearms for a while. The course covers many aspects. Basic, safe handgun handling. The proper operation of the handgun. Basic marksmanship skills such as stance, grip, and sight alignment picture. We cover Ranger rules, conduct and commands. We teach the proper methods of removing a handgun from and returning it to the holster. Safe loading and unloading. Cleaning and maintenance.

You will understand differences between the many types of calibers and types of guns available. You will as well, you will receive quality hands-on instruction with a variety of handguns including .22 revolvers, semi-automatics, and several different 9mm pistols.

You need to bring: Your own handgun (caliber not specific), holster & belt and 50 rounds of the proper size, FACTORY ammunition. Eye protection and a hat with a brim. (Ballcap is suggested)

Loaner guns available for the price of the ammunition.

This seminar takes 3+ hours.The class fee is $80, paid prior to the start of class.

Your fee includes: all other supplies necessary for the class such as targets, use of a handgun (with the purchase of ammunition from us), range time and instruction. We will provide ear protection for a small fee.

Classes are held on demand and on a basis to accommodate your busy schedule.
Please check with Arizona Personal Protection for class dates and times.

This program is also available for private instruction, for a slightly higher fee. .


This class is designed for women who are interested in learning how to use a firearm for self-defense. The course covers many aspects of shooting such as stance, grip, and sight picture. You will understand differences between the many types of calibers and guns available. Most importantly, you will receive quality, hands-on instruction with a variety of handguns intended to make it easier for the individual to choose the right defensive handgun. The program also covers self-defense issues to consider, including environmental awareness and family safety.

During the course of the 4-hour seminar, you will shoot different styles and calibers to help familiarize you with features available. The class fee is $95, paid prior to the start of class.

You need to bring: Your own handgun (caliber not specific), holster and 50 rounds of the proper ammunition. Eye protection and a hat with a brim. (A ballcap is suggested)

Your fee includes: all other supplies necessary for the class such as targets, use of a handgun (with the purchase of ammunition from us), range time and instruction.

Classes are held on demand and on a basis to accommodate your busy schedule.
Please check with Arizona Personal Protection for class dates and times.

This program is also available for private instruction, for a slightly higher fee.

Women and Men who are interested in non-lethal training should inquire
as to our TASER course or the HAND TO HAND SELF DEFENSE course.

Arizona Personal Protection
Bus number: 520.424.5191
Fax number: 520.568.0179
E-mail address: Info@ArizonaPersonalProtection.com