
Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Fear paralyzes people from responding to crime.
Deal with your fear before you encounter violence.

Arizona Personal Protection Instructors will give you the training and the confidence you need to come out of an intense, dangerous situation intact and alive!
Fear is a natural response to a threat. Your body's natural mechanism for controlling fear is adrenaline. If unanticipated, this strong natural chemical can cause a person to freeze.

Even the best physically-trained can freeze in an encounter with crime. That is because mental preparedness to violence is typically not taught or trained.

It only takes a few seconds of concentrated effort to react effectively.

This is the correct response to fear:
• Focus on survival
• Have a Combat Mindset
• Confidence from Training
• Expect to be injured

Focus on Survival
The primary outcome is to survive.
Focus your thoughts and energies toward doing whatever it takes to survive. Do not worry about what the criminal will be doing. Think about what you can do to get out of the situation. Do not let them move you to a second location, as isolation will provide them time and freedom to do their worst.

Combat Mindset
Adopt the combat mindset. Commit to the primary objective of survival, it will determine everything else you will do and the ultimate outcome.

According to author Jerry VanCook, successfully defending yourself is the result of approximately 99% psychological and 1 percent training. Focus on your primary objective: survival.

The combat mindset is more important than polished technique. When faced with attack, act immediately and try to escape the situation.
Do not let anything get in your way of survival. Never, NEVER give up!

The essential components of the Combat mindset are:
Mental and physical toughness means being absolutely ruthless about your defense. You act without compassion, pity, or mercy against the attacker who wants to violate you. You become an “animal,” propelled by indignant rage.
You MUST have the willingness to injure or kill if necessary to preserve your life.

>Immediate Response
Respond immediately with the appropriate level of force. Stop the attack and escape. A soldier does not wait, as the advantage is the surprise of instant and direct offense. Most criminals expect their victims to be in fear and comply.
Do the opposite and resist quickly and forcefully.

Stay focused and single-minded on your goal of surviving. Be persistent and continue to respond if first response is not effective.
Commit to your goal of survival and let nothing get in your way.
The combat mindset, or mental development, must progress along with training. Without some balance, you either are overly confident and cannot execute the response, or are extremely skilled but mentally unable to carry out your techniques.

Direct your natural response, fear, into primal rage against the attacker. Be outraged - how dare they attempt to violate you! No way will you allow them to hurt you! Summon up your strength and courage to get through it alive!

Confidence Gained by Training
Training into muscle memory your physical responses ensures automatic responses to attacks. To make training even more effective, induce adrenaline so that you know what it will feel like in the face of fear and still perform physical techniques. Knowing what to do removes anxiety and uncertainty. Prepare by using the mental scenario-based training called mindsetting. Simply, determine likely scenarios of violence, getting ideas from the news. Then discuss with friends and/or family how you would respond. The process of discussing with someone else could reveal approaches that you may not have thought of. Then visualize yourself in the situation and respond with the approach you discussed. Do this several times during idle times of your day (at stoplight, waiting in line, etc.) to burn it into memory.

Expect to be Injured
Being afraid of being shot, cut, bruised, broken causes a delay in response as you worry about the consequences. The reality is, you will likely be hurt or injured. However, survival with injury is far more desirable than being dead.

Act with the knowledge that you will be hurt.

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