
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dear Failure In Chief...

Dear Failure in Chief…

I was appalled but not shocked as to your statement that supported the building of the 13 story Mosque just 600 feet, where the Twin Towers fell. You have proven your ignorance and allegiance to Islam. You said it had to do with Freedom of Religion. No moron, Islam is a Political System that wants to impose Sharia Law on our Nation. But of course, you already know that because you are a Muslim. We The People of the United States of America will fight you on this. If at all possible, we will remove you from office before 2012. You have become a danger to this Country and to its people. By allowing this Mosque, it will accomplish two things…
One, it will defame and dishonor all the victims of 9/11 and their families. Secondly, it will open up this Country to terrorists that will slowly and in an evil strategic manner, take over this Nation and abolish our existing laws. You have done nothing but cause dissention and division in this Country. You have failed in all of your Campaign promises. You have refused to denounce terrorist acts and in fact, have made excuses for them. You refuse to speak out against Islam and Sharia Law. Your wife has done nothing to help those women around the world and even in this country that have been abused, scarred, and murdered, by Honor Killings. You both have been silent, when it comes to the atrocities of Islam. As far as We the People are concerned, you are not only a Muslim, but you are perpetrating the biggest hostile takeover that this Country has ever seen. You are well aware that your political career is over and that you will never be reelected, so you don’t care what damage you do to this Country. You are more than a Lame Duck….You are a Rabid Duck. The Mosque is your way of “marking” your territory as a Muslim man. We The People are on the War path. We are awake and aware. And we are ready and empowered for the fight ahead. You will NOT succeed. We Will Win. Mark this down….November is just the beginning….Your days are numbered….We The People Will Have Our Say and Our Day….It’s coming!
Dawnellen Pappalardo
(Posted on Face Book)

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