
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

States rights and militias or defense forces: Is it treason or legal?

May 27, 9:15 AM Cochise County Libertarian Examiner - Jesse Mathewson

Cochise County – An article was recently published by the Canada Free press and subsequently removed. This article stated in bold headlines, “Obama serves 14 state governors with warnings of arrest.” The article went on to explain that Obama and his administration were upset over recent announcements by several state governors to institute state militias again. And that the alleged letters stated that these state “defense forces” would not be “legal” because they would not be under the control of the Federal government. Now generally I am not usually very interested in articles like this, after all I get literally hundreds of similar items daily. However, it came from a knowledgeable source so I began investigating.

I cannot at this time state with any certainty if the alleged letters were actually sent out, though given recent announcements by this president it is not very far outside the realm of reality. So I focused instead on the various laws regarding the establishment of state defense forces/ i.e. state militias. According to the United States Constitution- Article 1 section 8 “To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; to provide and maintain a Navy.” The only branch of the armed services that is to be maintained indefinitely is the Navy; all others are to be used in defense of this nation and for not longer than two years following. Now, this is a prime example of how this nation’s leadership has abused this since very early on. Over 300 conflicts “defending American interests” or otherwise noted can be seen from as early as 1836 and before. By keeping this nation in a perpetual state of “war” the military complex continues to thrive.

What about state defense forces, according to U.S. Code title 32, chapter 1, section 109 C the following applies, “In addition to its National Guard, if any, a State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands may, as provided by its laws, organize and maintain defense forces. A defense force established under this section may be used within the jurisdiction concerned, as its chief executive (or commanding general in the case of the District of Columbia) considers necessary, but it may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the armed forces.” Another point of interest can be directly linked to the Constitution. The Second Amendment is within the Bill of Rights or the first Ten Amendments, legally recognized as individual rights. These rights are also very much applicable to the individual states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” A well regulated militia is the same as a defense force.

So what do we see, what we see is that if Mr. Obama has indeed sent letters of “intent” in this regards, than he is in fact abusing his powers as a president who is according to every single bit of history I have ever read supposed to directly represent the people, and not lord over them. If Mr. Obama has sent these letters he is in breach of contract to the people of this nation and should be reprimanded. It should be noted however, that I have not been able to verify the existence of said letters and as a result am not able to speak definitively to this. Remember on tiny thing, Obama is avoiding doing anything that may actually show that he supports his role as Commander and Chief - vacationing instead of Arlington...

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