
Monday, June 7, 2010

They don’t WANT to cap the oil well! At least not yet...

June 3rd, 2010, by Lstone

All around the country people are coming up with ideas to to fix this broken pipe in the Gulf. Dennis Wagner, an employee with Con Edison in New York, claims to have a solution for the huge slick he describes in is his interview with ABC, and it just might work. But…

There is one problem. They don’t WANT to cap the oil Well. At least not yet.

Unfortunately, we don’t look at the political strategies of history to see how they could be repeating themselves today. We forget so easily. We let our emotions guide our decisions instead of logic and facts. The simple fact is we are being manipulated to emotionally react in a twisted game of political chess.

There is no reason whatsoever that the Obama administration wasn’t on fire about this from day one. Offering solutions, implementing the pre-approved burn plans they had on the books to deal with incidents like this. Opening up public communication and websites like Dennis suggested. Think about Hilary’s excellent 3 Am commercial now. What would she have done? Even Carville was outraged! Obama fled the scene of an accident to “think about it further” instead of calling 911 and starting CPR. You act in a crisis! You don’t start pointing fingers and talking about seatbelt laws until the crisis is over. I don’t believe for a second he messed up. He is way too smart for that.

They don’t want to cap the well. They want this to be an ecological disaster. The bigger the better. If this wasn’t a president you supported and it was Bush you would see that clearer. Why was he given a pass on this for so long by Democrats and environmental activists?! (An even now they focus solely on BP and regulations and give Obama a pass) Ask yourself why?

Everything this Administration has done is through back room deals, thug like Chicago mafia style intimidation and by bending if not breaking the laws to achieve their goals.
The only positive thing I can say is that the people including Democrats are waking up to it. (Like the bribing of Sustak) They are showing themselves for who they really are. I am not shocked at all that Obama hasn’t acted sooner on this issue. He has already resigned himself to be a one term Martyr for the cause. Their own words are VERY TELLING: Rahm Emmanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”

I know it may sound crazy but by the same insane (by any means necessary) thinking that PEDA activists will commit violent action against people in the name of “saving animals”, or the result of Hitler burning down Reichstag, the means justify the ends to these students of Saul D. Alinsky

And what is their goal? At the end of all this you will see massive increased support for an end to offshore drilling, increased support for cap and trade and countless businesses lined up to benefit from all of the new regulations and backroom contracts they made with our government for green energy solutions. It just wasn’t happening fast enough for them…

It’s downright scary to see what people will do to justify the end result.

May God Bless You, Your Family and America.

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