
Monday, March 2, 2009

The Second Amendment March!

I saw this email from a USCCA member a few days ago...

"Please help lead us in the charge against the anti-gunners! Every day I see something from you or from the NRA, and I feel like I am watching a freight train coming at me. I feel so helpless to stop it, and I feel like I can't get out of the way. Please help us "regular Joes" band together and not just ****** and moan about new laws, but do something to stop the charge."

Friend, I feel your pain. Often times, even I feel helpless when I think of the anti-gun machine's power and drive. Well, now we have something:

Today is a BIG day, because I am telling you about the Million Gun Owner / Second Amendment March! It will be a peaceful demonstration on Washington D.C. that is slated for the Spring of 2010.

The whole idea will be to peacefully show the world that American Gun Owners are GOOD people who simply want to be left alone to live their lives in prosperity and in hot pursuit of happiness.

I didn't come up with the idea, but I have been working with the guy who did- Skip Coryell- a firearms trainer from Michigan.

Now he has Ted Nugent on board, and since Ted Nugent is an AMAZING guy, I really believe this thing is going to materialize into something very, very productive.

The key word in all of this is PEACE. The goal of the Million Gun Owner March will NOT be to intimidate- it will not be a show of force.

It will be to say "Look, world- we're not scary people. We are fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers. We are caring, responsible, law-abiding citizens who truly care about the direction of our country, and we just want to tell you that we do care about our God Given and constitutionally recognized rights to self defense and firearm ownership.

"I'm sure we'll be hearing a LOT more about the Million Gun Owner / Second Amendment March, and I hope to help you stay 'in the know'.

Skip has orchestrated the creation of a website to keep everyone up to date with, and here's the URL:


The site is very new, and some areas (like the forum) are still under construction. I will let you know when it is ready, and I will also let you know when they have achieved their 'non profit' status and all that stuff.